

There are unusual difficulties in the way of compiling a thoroughly satisfactory catalogue of Haydn's instrumental works. From the want of any generally-accepted consecutive numbering, and the fact that several are in the same key, this is particularly the case with the symphonies. Different editions have different numberings, and the confusion is increased by a further re-numbering of the piano symphonic scores arranged for two and four hands. In Breitkopf & Hartel's catalogue many works are included among the symphonies which are also found among the smaller compositions, and others are catalogued twice. Even the composer himself, in compiling his thematic catalogue, made mistakes. In the present list we have been content for the most part to state the numbers of the various instrumental works, without attempting to notify each individual composition. Indeed, to do otherwise would have called for an extensive use of music type. Nor have we thought it necessary to include the supposititious and doubtful works, for which Pohl's list may be consulted.


125 symphonies, including overtures to operas and plays. Of these 94 are published in parts, 40 in score; 29 remain in MS. About 40 have been arranged for pianoforte 2 hands, 60 for 4 hands, 10 for 8 hands.

Pohl gives a thematic list of the 12 symphonies composed for Salomon, numbered in the order of their occurrence in the catalogue of the London Philharmonic Society. These include:

  TITLE OF WORK                    KEY           DATE

  "The Surprise"                   G major       1791

  "The Clock," referring           D minor       1794
  to the Andante

  "The Military"                   G major       1794
  Other symphonies known by their titles are:
  TITLE OF WORK                    KEY           DATE

  "Le Matin"                       D major
  "Le Midi"                        C major
  "Le Soir"                        G major       1761
  "The Farewell"                   A major       1772
  "Maria Theresa"                  C major       1773
  "The Schoolmaster"               E flat        1774
  "Feuer Symphonie" (probably
  overture to "Die Feuersbrunst")  A major       1774
  "La Chasse"                      D major       1780
  "Toy" Symphony                   C major       1780
  "La Reine de France"             B major       for Paris, 1786
  "The Oxford"                     G major       1788

  "The Seven Words from the Cross." Originally for orchestra.
  Arranged first for 2 violins, viola and bass; afterwards for soli,
  chorus and orchestra.

  66 various compositions for wind and strings, separately and
  combined, including divertimenti, concerted pieces, etc.

  7 notturnos or serenades for the lyre.
  7 marches.
  6 scherzandos.
  1 sestet.
  Several quintets.
  1 "Echo" for 4 violins and 2 'cellos.
  "Feld-partien" for wind instruments and arrangements from
  baryton pieces.
  12 collections of minuets and allemands.
  31 concertos: 9 violin, 6 'cello, 1 double bass, 5 lyre, 3 baryton,
  2 flute, 3 horn, 1 for 2 horns, 1 clarino (1796).
  175 baryton pieces. Arrangements were published of several
  of these in 3 parts, with violin (or flute), viola or 'cello as
  1 duet for 2 lutes.
  2 trios for lute, violin and 'cello.
  1 sonata for harp, with flute and bass.
  Several pieces for a musical clock.
  A solo for harmonica.
  6 duets for violin solo, with viola accompaniments. The
  numerous printed duets for 2 violins are only arrangements from
  his other works.
  30 trios: 20 for 2 violins and bass, 1 for violin solo, viola
  concertante and bass, 2 for flute, violin and bass, 3 for 3 flutes,
  1 for corno di caccia, violin and 'cello.
  77 quartets. The first 18 were published in 3 series; the
  next is in MS.; then 1 printed separately; 54 in 9 series of 6
  Nos. each; 2 more and the last.


  20 concertos and divertimenti: 1 concerto is with principal
  violin, 2 only (G and D) have been printed; the last alone
  38 trios: 35 with violin and 'cello, 3 with flute and 'cello
  Only 31 are printed.
  53 sonatas and divertimenti. Only 35 are printed: the one
  in C, containing the adagio in F included in all the collections
  of smaller pieces, only in London.
  4 sonatas for clavier and violin. 8 are published, but 4 of
  these are arrangements.
  9 smaller pieces, including 5 Nos. of variations, a capriccio, a
  fantasia, 2 adagios and "differentes petites pieces."
  1 duet (variations).


  Church Music

  14 masses.
  1 Stabat Mater.
  2 Te Deums.
  13 offertories. 10 of these are taken from other compositions
  with Latin text added.
  4 motets.
  1 Tantum Ergo.
  4 Salve Reginas.
  1 Regina Coeli.
  2 Aves Reginas; Responsoria de Venerabili.
  1 Cantilena pro Aventu (German words).
  6 sacred arias.
  2 duets.


  "The Creation."
  "The Seasons."
  "Il Ritorno di Tobia."
  "The Seven Words."
  "Invocation of Neptune."
  "Applausus Musicus." For the festival of a prelate, 1768.
  Cantata for the birthday of Prince Nicolaus, 1763.
  Cantata "Die Erwahlung eines Kapellmeisters."


  Italian Operas:

  "La Canterina," 1769;
  "L'Incontro Improviso," 1776;
  "Lo Speciale," 1768;
  "Le Pescatrice," 1780;
  "Il Mondo della Luna," 1877;
  "L'Isola Disabitata," 1779;
  "Armida," 1782;
  "L'Infedelta Delusa," 1773;
  "La Fedelta Premiata," 1780;
  "La Vera Constanza," 1786;
  "Acide e Galatea," 1762;
  "Orlando Paladino," 1782;
  "Orfeo," London, 1794.

  German Opera or Singspiel, "Der Neue Krumme Teufel."
  5 marionette operas.
  Music for "Alfred," a tragedy, and various other plays.


  12 German lieder, 1782;
  12 ditto, 1784;
  12 single songs;
  6 original canzonets, London, 1796;
  6 ditto;
  "The Spirit Song," Shakespeare (F minor);
  "O Tuneful Voice" (E flat), composed for an English lady of position;
  3 English songs in MS.;
  2 duets;
  3 three-part and 10 four-part songs;
  3 choruses, MS.;
  1 ditto from "Alfred";
  The Austrian National Anthem, for single voice and in 4 parts;
  42 canons in 2 and more parts;
  2 ditto;
  "The Ten Commandments" set to canons; the same
  with different words under the title "Die zehn Gesetze der Kunst";
  symphonies and accompaniments for national songs
  in the collections of Whyte, Napier and George Thomson.
  22 airs mostly inserted in operas.
  "Ariana a Naxos," cantata for single voice and pianoforte, 1790.
  "Deutschlands Klage auf den Tod Friedrichs der Grossen,"
  cantata for single voice, with baryton accompaniment, 1787.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg