

The Haydn literature is almost entirely Continental. With the exceptions of Pohl's article in Grove's "Dictionary of Music" and Miss Townsend's "Haydn," nothing of real importance has appeared in English. The following list does not profess to be complete. It seems futile in a book of this kind to refer amateurs and students to foreign works, many of which are out of print and others generally inaccessible. For the benefit of English readers the English works have been placed first and apart from the Continental. It has not been thought necessary to follow Pohl in giving a separate list of German and other Continental critiques. His plan of citing works in the order of their publication has, however, been adopted as being perhaps preferable to an alphabetical order of writers.

  TITLE OF WORK                          AUTHOR           PLACE AND DATE
  "History of Music," Vol. IV.           Burney           London, 1789

  "Reminiscences," Vol. I, p. 190        Michael Kelly    London, 1826

  "Musical Memoirs"                      Parke            London, 1830,
                                                          2 vols.

  "Letters of Distinguished Musicians."...              London, 1867
  Translated from the German by Lady
  Wallace. Haydn's Letters, pp. 71-204,
  with portrait

  "Musical Composers and their Works"    Sarah Tytler     London, 1875
  —Haydn, pp. 57-75

  "Music and Morals"—Haydn,             Haweis           London, 1876
  pp. 241-263

  Leisure Hour, p. 572. Article,      ...              London, 1877
  "Anecdotes of Haydn"

  "The Great Composers Sketched          Joseph Bennett   London, Musical
  by Themselves"—No. 1, Haydn.                           Times, Sept. 1877
  An estimate of Haydn drawn mainly
  from his letters

  Article on Haydn in Grove's            Pohl             London, 1879
  "Dictionary of Music"

  "Studies of Great Composers"—Haydn,   Parry            London, 1887
  pp. 91-118, with portrait

  "History of Music," English edition,   Naumann          London (Cassell),
  Vol. IV., pp. 852-882.                                  1888
  Portraits and facsimiles

  "Musical Reminiscences"—Music and     William Spark    London, 1892
  Sunshine, pp. 141-149, with quotations
  from Haydn's music to show "the happy
  state of his mind whilst composing"

  "Musical Haunts in London"—Haydn in   F. G. Edwards    London, 1895
  London, pp. 32-36

  "The Pianoforte Sonata"—Haydn,        J. S. Shedlock   London, 1895
  pp. 111-120

  "Music and Manners from Pergolese      Krehbiel         London, 1898
  to Beethoven"—Haydn in London:
  (1) His Note-book; (2) His English
  Love, pp. 57-95

  "George Thomson, the Friend of Burns"  Cuthbert Hadden  London, 1898
  —Correspondence with Haydn,
  pp. 303-308

  "Old Scores and New Readings"—Haydn   J. F. Runciman   London, 1899
  and his "Creation," pp. 85-92

  "The Birthplace of Haydn:              Dr Frank Merrick London, Musical
  a Visit to Rohrau"                                      Times, July 1899

  "Joseph Haydn"                         Miss Pauline     London, N.D.
  in Great Musicians series              D. Townsend

  Article on Haydn in "Dictionary        Riemann          London,
  of Music." English ed. translated                       Augener & Co.
  by J. S. Shedlock
  Autobiographical Sketch by himself. ...              1776
  This was made use of by (1) De Luca
  in "Das gelehrte Oesterreich," 1778;
  (2) in Forkel's "Musikalischer
  Almanach fur Deutschland," 1783;
  and (3) in the European Magazine
  for October 1784. The latter includes
  a portrait

  "Lexicon." Additional particulars      Gerber           1790
  are given in 2nd edition, 1812

  Musik Correspondenz der teutschen      Gerber           1792
  Filarm. Gesellschaft, Nos. 17 and 18

  Article in Journal des Luxus und       Bertuch          Weimar, 1805
  der Moden

  "Brevi notizie istorchie della vita    Mayer            Bergamo, 1809
  e delle opere di Guis. Haydn."

  Obituary in the Vaterland. Blatter  ...              Vienna, 1809
  fur den ost Kaiserstaat

  "Der Nagedachtenis van J. Haydn"       Kinker           Amsterdam, 1810

  "Biographische Notizen uber            Griezinger       Leipzig, 1810
  Joseph Haydn"

  "Biographische Nachrichten von         Dies             Vienna, 1810
  Joseph Haydn"

  "Joseph Haydn"                         Arnold           Erfurt, 1810;
                                                          2nd ed., 1825

  "Notice sur J. Haydn"                  Framery          Paris, 1810

  "Notice historique sur la vie et les   Le Breton        Paris, 1810
  ouvrages de Haydn" in the Moniteur.
  This was reprinted in the
  "Bibliographie Musicale," Paris, 1822.
  It was also translated into Portuguese,
  with additions by Silva-Lisboa.
  Rio Janeiro, 1820

  "Essai Historique sur la vie        ...              Strassburg, 1812
  de J. Haydn"

  "Le Haydine," etc.                     Carpani          Milan, 1812;
  This work was essentially reproduced,                   2nd edition,
  without acknowledgment, in "Lettres                     enlarged,
  ecrites de Vienne en Autriche," etc.,                   Padua, 1823
  by L. A. C. Bombet, Paris, 1814;
  republished as "Vie de Haydn, Mozart
  et Metastase," par Stendhal, Paris,
  1817. Bombet and Stendhal are both
  pseudonyms of Henri Beyle. An English
  translation of the 1814 work was
  published in London by John Murray,
  in 1817, under the title of "The Life
  of Haydn in a Series of Letters," etc.

  "Biogr. Notizen"                       Grosser       Hirschberg, 1826

  "Allg. Encyclopadie der                Ersch und Gruber Leipzig, 1828
  Wissenschaften und Kunste,"
  2nd section, 3rd part, with a
  biographical sketch by Frohlich

  "Allg. Wiener Musikzeitung"         ...              1843

  "J. Haydn in London, 1791 and 1792"    Karajan          Vienna, 1861

  "Joseph Haydn und sein Bruder Michael" Wurzbach         Vienna, 1861

  "Joseph Haydn"                         Ludwig           Nordhausen, 1867

  "Mozart and Haydn in London"           Pohl             Vienna, 1867

  "Joseph Haydn."                        Pohl          ...
  This, the first comprehensive
  biography of Haydn, was published
  —the first half of Vol. I. in
  1875, the second half in 1882.
  After the death of Pohl in 1887
  it was completed (1890) by
  E. V. Mandyczewski

  Notice in "Biographie Universelle"     Fetis         ...

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg