The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter


                    Pussy-cat sits by the fire—how should she be fair?
                    In walks the little dog—says "Pussy are you there?
                    How do you do Mistress Pussy? Mistress Pussy, how
                         do you do?"
                    "I thank you kindly, little dog, I fare as well as you!"
                                                       [Old Rhyme]
               Once upon a time there was a
               Pussy-cat called Ribby, who invited a
               little dog called Duchess to tea.

               "Come in good time, my dear
               Duchess," said Ribby's letter, "and we
               will have something so very nice. I am
               baking it in a pie-dish—a pie-dish
               with a pink rim. You never tasted
               anything so good! And YOU shall eat it
               all! I will eat muffins, my dear
               Duchess!" wrote Ribby.

               "I will come very punctually, my
               dear Ribby," wrote Duchess; and then
               at the end she added—"I hope it isn't

               And then she thought that did not
               look quite polite; so she scratched out
               "isn't mouse" and changed it to "I
               hope it will be fine," and she gave her
               letter to the postman.

               But she thought a great deal about
               Ribby's pie, and she read Ribby's letter
               over and over again.
               "I am dreadfully afraid it WILL be
               mouse!" said Duchess to herself—"I
               really couldn't, COULDN'T eat mouse
               pie. And I shall have to eat it, because
               it is a party. And MY pie was going to
               be veal and ham. A pink and white
               pie-dish! and so is mine; just like
               Ribby's dishes; they were both bought
               at Tabitha Twitchit's."

               Duchess went into her larder and took
               the pie off a shelf and looked at it.

               "Oh what a good idea! Why
               shouldn't I rush along and put my pie
               into Ribby's oven when Ribby isn't

               Ribby in the meantime had received
               Duchess's answer, and as soon as she
               was sure that the little dog would
               come—she popped HER pie into the
               oven. There were two ovens, one
               above the other; some other knobs
               and handles were only ornamental
               and not intended to open. Ribby put
               the pie into the lower oven; the door
               was very stiff.

               "The top oven bakes too quickly,"
               said Ribby to herself.
               Ribby put on some coal and swept
               up the hearth. Then she went out
               with a can to the well, for water to fill
               up the kettle.

               Then she began to set the room in
               order, for it was the sitting-room as
               well as the kitchen.

               When Ribby had laid the table she
               went out down the field to the farm,
               to fetch milk and butter.

               When she came back, she peeped
               into the bottom oven; the pie looked
               very comfortable.

               Ribby put on her shawl and bonnet
               and went out again with a basket, to
               the village shop to buy a packet of tea,
               a pound of lump sugar, and a pot of

               And just at the same time, Duchess
               came out of HER house, at the other
               end of the village.

               Ribby met Duchess half-way down
               the street, also carrying a basket,
               covered with a cloth. They only
               bowed to one another; they did not
               speak, because they were going to
               have a party.
               As soon as Duchess had got round
               the corner out of sight—she simply
               ran! Straight away to Ribby's house!

               Ribby went into the shop and
               bought what she required, and came
               out, after a pleasant gossip with
               Cousin Tabitha Twitchit.

               Ribby went on to Timothy Baker's
               and bought the muffins. Then she
               went home.

               There seemed to be a sort of
               scuffling noise in the back passage, as
               she was coming in at the front door.
               But there was nobody there.

               Duchess in the meantime, had
               slipped out at the back door.

               "It is a very odd thing that Ribby's
               pie was NOT in the oven when I put
               mine in! And I can't find it anywhere;
               I have looked all over the house. I put
               MY pie into a nice hot oven at the top.
               I could not turn any of the other
               handles; I think that they are all
               shams," said Duchess, "but I wish I
               could have removed the pie made of
               mouse! I cannot think what she has
               done with it? I heard Ribby coming
               and I had to run out by the back
               Duchess went home and brushed
               her beautiful black coat; and then she
               picked a bunch of flowers in her
               garden as a present for Ribby; and
               passed the time until the clock struck four.

               Ribby—having assured herself by
               careful search that there was really no
               one hiding in the cupboard or in the
               larder—went upstairs to change her dress.

               She came downstairs again, and
               made the tea, and put the teapot on
               the hob. She peeped again into the
               BOTTOM oven, the pie had become a
               lovely brown, and it was steaming hot.

               She sat down before the fire to wait
               for the little dog. "I am glad I used the
               BOTTOM oven," said Ribby, "the top
               one would certainly have been very
               much too hot."

               Very punctually at four o'clock,
               Duchess started to go to the party.

               At a quarter past four to the minute,
               there came a most genteel little tap-tappity.
               "Is Mrs. Ribston at home?" inquired Duchess
               in the porch.
               "Come in! and how do you do, my
               dear Duchess?" cried Ribby. "I hope I
               see you well?"

               "Quite well, I thank you, and how
               do YOU do, my dear Ribby?" said
               Duchess. "I've brought you some
               flowers; what a delicious smell of pie!"

               "Oh, what lovely flowers! Yes, it is
               mouse and bacon!"

               "I think it wants another five minutes,"
               said Ribby. "Just a shade longer; I will
               pour out the tea, while we wait.
               Do you take sugar, my dear Duchess?"

               "Oh yes, please! my dear Ribby; and
               may I have a lump upon my nose?"

               "With pleasure, my dear Duchess."

               Duchess sat up with the sugar on
               her nose and sniffed—

               "How good that pie smells! I do
               love veal and ham—I mean to say
               mouse and bacon—"

               She dropped the sugar in confusion,
               and had to go hunting under the tea-
               table, so did not see which oven Ribby
               opened in order to get out the pie.
               Ribby set the pie upon the table;
               there was a very savoury smell.

               Duchess came out from under the
               table-cloth munching sugar, and sat
               up on a chair.

               "I will first cut the pie for you; I am
               going to have muffin and
               marmalade," said Ribby.

               "I think"—(thought Duchess to
               herself)—"I THINK it would be wiser if
               I helped myself to pie; though Ribby
               did not seem to notice anything when
               she was cutting it. What very small
               fine pieces it has cooked into! I did not
               remember that I had minced it up so
               fine; I suppose this is a quicker oven
               than my own."

               The pie-dish was emptying rapidly!
               Duchess had had four helps already,
               and was fumbling with the spoon.

               "A little more bacon, my dear
               Duchess?" said Ribby.

               "Thank you, my dear Ribby; I was
               only feeling for the patty-pan."

               "The patty-pan? my dear Duchess?"

               "The patty pan that held up the
               pie-crust," said Duchess, blushing
               under her black coat.
               "Oh, I didn't put one in, my dear
               Duchess," said Ribby; "I don't think
               that it is necessary in pies made of

               Duchess fumbled with the spoon—
               "I can't find it!" she said anxiously.

               "There isn't a patty-pan," said
               Ribby, looking perplexed.

               "Yes, indeed, my dear Ribby; where
               can it have gone to?" said Duchess.

               Duchess looked very much
               alarmed, and continued to scoop the
               inside of the pie-dish.

               "I have only four patty-pans, and
               they are all in the cupboard."

               Duchess set up a howl.

               "I shall die! I shall die! I have
               swallowed a patty-pan! Oh, my dear
               Ribby, I do feel so ill!"

               "It is impossible, my dear Duchess;
               there was not a patty-pan."

               "Yes there WAS, my dear Ribby, I am
               sure I have swallowed it!"

               "Let me prop you up with a pillow,
               my dear Duchess; where do you think
               you feel it?"

               "Oh I do feel so ill ALL OVER me, my
               dear Ribby."

               "Shall I run for the doctor?"
               "Oh yes, yes! fetch Dr. Maggotty,
               my dear Ribby: he is a Pie himself, he
               will certainly understand."

               Ribby settled Duchess in an
               armchair before the fire, and went
               out and hurried to the village to look
               for the doctor.

               She found him at the smithy.

               Ribby explained that her guest had
               swallowed a patty-pan.

               Dr. Maggotty hopped so fast that
               Ribby had to run. It was most
               conspicuous. All the village could see
               that Ribby was fetching the doctor.

               But while Ribby had been hunting
               for the doctor—a curious thing had
               happened to Duchess, who had been
               left by herself, sitting before the fire,
               sighing and groaning and feeling very

               "How COULD I have swallowed it!
               such a large thing as a patty-pan!"

               She sat down again, and stared
               mournfully at the grate. The fire
               crackled and danced, and something

               Duchess started! She opened the
               door of the TOP oven;—out came a
               rich steamy flavour of veal and ham,
               and there stood a fine brown pie,—
               and through a hole in the top of the
               pie-crust there was a glimpse of a
               little tin patty-pan!

               Duchess drew a long breath—
               "Then I must have been eating
               MOUSE! . . . No wonder I feel ill. . . .
               But perhaps I should feel worse if I
               had really swallowed a patty-pan!"
               Duchess reflected—"What a very
               awkward thing to have to explain to
               Ribby! I think I will put MY pie in the
               back-yard and say nothing about it.
               When I go home, I will run round and
               take it away." She put it outside the
               back-door, and sat down again by
               the fire, and shut her eyes; when
               Ribby arrived with the doctor, she
               seemed fast asleep.

               "I am feeling very much better,"
               said Duchess, waking up with a jump.

               "I am truly glad to hear it! He has
               brought you a pill, my dear Duchess!"

               "I think I should feel QUITE well if he
               only felt my pulse," said Duchess,
               backing away from the magpie, who
               sidled up with something in his beak.

               "It is only a bread pill, you had
               much better take it; drink a little milk,
               my dear Duchess!"

               "I am feeling very much better, my
               dear Ribby," said Duchess. "Do you
               not think that I had better go home
               before it gets dark?"
               "Perhaps it might be wise, my dear

               Ribby and Duchess said good-bye
               affectionately, and Duchess started
               home. Half-way up the lane she
               stopped and looked back; Ribby had
               gone in and shut her door. Duchess
               slipped through the fence, and ran
               round to the back of Ribby's house,
               and peeped into the yard.

               Upon the roof of the pig-stye sat Dr.
               Maggotty and three jackdaws. The
               jackdaws were eating piecrust, and
               the magpie was drinking gravy out of
               a patty-pan.

               Duchess ran home feeling
               uncommonly silly!

               When Ribby came out for a pailful
               of water to wash up the tea-things,
               she found a pink and white pie-dish
               lying smashed in the middle of the

               Ribby stared with amazement—
               "Did you ever see the like! so there
               really WAS a patty-pan? . . . But MY
               patty-pans are all in the kitchen
               cupboard. Well I never did! . . . Next

               invite Cousin Tabitha Twitchit!"

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg