The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter


               [For W.M.L.W., the Little Girl
               Who Had the Doll's House]
               Once upon a time there was a very
               beautiful doll's-house; it was red
               brick with white windows, and it had
               real muslin curtains and a front door
               and a chimney.

               It belonged to two Dolls called
               Lucinda and Jane; at least it belonged
               to Lucinda, but she never ordered

               Jane was the Cook; but she never
               did any cooking, because the dinner
               had been bought ready-made, in a
               box full of shavings.

               There were two red lobsters and a
               ham, a fish, a pudding, and some
               pears and oranges.

               They would not come off the plates,
               but they were extremely beautiful.
               One morning Lucinda and Jane had
               gone out for a drive in the doll's
               perambulator. There was no one in
               the nursery, and it was very quiet.
               Presently there was a little scuffling,
               scratching noise in a corner near the
               fireplace, where there was a hole
               under the skirting-board.

               Tom Thumb put out his head for a
               moment, and then popped it in again.
               Tom Thumb was a mouse.

               A minute afterwards, Hunca
               Munca, his wife, put her head out,
               too; and when she saw that there was
               no one in the nursery, she ventured
               out on the oilcloth under the coal-box.

               The doll's-house stood at the other
               side of the fire-place. Tom Thumb
               and Hunca Munca went cautiously
               across the hearthrug. They pushed
               the front door—it was not fast.
               Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca
               went upstairs and peeped into the
               dining-room. Then they squeaked
               with joy!

               Such a lovely dinner was laid out
               upon the table! There were tin
               spoons, and lead knives and forks,
               and two dolly-chairs—all SO

               Tom Thumb set to work at once to
               carve the ham. It was a beautiful
               shiny yellow, streaked with red.

               The knife crumpled up and hurt
               him; he put his finger in his mouth.

               "It is not boiled enough; it is hard.
               You have a try, Hunca Munca."

               Hunca Munca stood up in her
               chair, and chopped at the ham with
               another lead knife.

               "It's as hard as the hams at the
               cheesemonger's," said Hunca Munca.

               The ham broke off the plate with a
               jerk, and rolled under the table.
               "Let it alone," said Tom Thumb;
               "give me some fish, Hunca Munca!"

               Hunca Munca tried every tin spoon
               in turn; the fish was glued to the dish.

               Then Tom Thumb lost his temper.
               He put the ham in the middle of the
               floor, and hit it with the tongs and
               with the shovel—bang, bang, smash,

               The ham flew all into pieces, for
               underneath the shiny paint it was
               made of nothing but plaster!

               Then there was no end to the rage
               and disappointment of Tom Thumb
               and Hunca Munca. They broke up the
               pudding, the lobsters, the pears and
               the oranges.

               As the fish would not come off the
               plate, they put it into the red-hot
               crinkly paper fire in the kitchen; but it
               would not burn either.
               Tom Thumb went up the kitchen
               chimney and looked out at the top—
               there was no soot.

               While Tom Thumb was up the
               chimney, Hunca Munca had another
               disappointment. She found some tiny
               canisters upon the dresser, labelled—
               Rice—Coffee—Sago—but when she
               turned them upside down, there was
               nothing inside except red and blue

               Then those mice set to work to do
               all the mischief they could—especially
               Tom Thumb! He took Jane's clothes
               out of the chest of drawers in her
               bedroom, and he threw them out of
               the top floor window.

               But Hunca Munca had a frugal
               mind. After pulling half the feathers
               out of Lucinda's bolster, she
               remembered that she herself was in
               want of a feather bed.
               With Tom Thumbs's assistance she
               carried the bolster downstairs, and
               across the hearth-rug. It was difficult
               to squeeze the bolster into the mouse-
               hole; but they managed it somehow.

               Then Hunca Munca went back and
               fetched a chair, a book-case, a bird-
               cage, and several small odds and
               ends. The book-case and the bird-
               cage refused to go into the mousehole.

               Hunca Munca left them behind the
               coal-box, and went to fetch a cradle.
               Hunca Munca was just returning
               with another chair, when suddenly
               there was a noise of talking outside
               upon the landing. The mice rushed
               back to their hole, and the dolls came
               into the nursery.

               What a sight met the eyes of Jane
               and Lucinda! Lucinda sat upon the
               upset kitchen stove and stared; and
               Jane leant against the kitchen dresser
               and smiled—but neither of them
               made any remark.

               The book-case and the bird-cage
               were rescued from under the coal-
               box—but Hunca Munca has got the
               cradle, and some of Lucinda's
               She also has some useful pots and
               pans, and several other things.

               The little girl that the doll's-house
               belonged to, said,—"I will get a doll
               dressed like a policeman!"

               But the nurse said,—"I will set a

               So that is the story of the two Bad
               Mice,—but they were not so very very
               naughty after all, because Tom
               Thumb paid for everything he broke.
               He found a crooked sixpence under
               the hearth-rug; and upon Christmas
               Eve, he and Hunca Munca stuffed it
               into one of the stockings of Lucinda
               and Jane.

               And very early every morning—
               before anybody is awake—Hunca

               her broom to sweep the Dollies' house!

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg