The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom — Complete
Verified Public Domain
T. Smollett
Gothic fiction
Adventure stories
CHAPTER ONE. Some sage Observations that naturally introduce our important History
CHAPTER TWO. A superficial View of our Hero’s Infancy
CHAPTER THREE. He is initiated in a Military Life, and has the good Fortune to acquire a generous Patron
CHAPTER FOUR. His Mother’s Prowess and Death; together with some Instances of his own Sagacity
CHAPTER FIVE. A brief Detail of his Education
CHAPTER SIX. He meditates Schemes of Importance
CHAPTER SEVEN. Engages in Partnership with a female Associate, in order to put his Talents in Action
CHAPTER EIGHT. Their first Attempt; with a Digression which some Readers may think impertinent
CHAPTER NINE. The Confederates change their Battery, and achieve a remarkable Adventure
CHAPTER TEN. They proceed to levy Contributions with great Success, until our Hero sets out with the young Count for Vienna, where he enters into League with another Adventurer
CHAPTER ELEVEN. Fathom makes various Efforts in the World of Gallantry
CHAPTER TWELVE. He effects a Lodgment in the House of a rich Jeweller
CHAPTER THIRTEEN. He is exposed to a most perilous Incident in the Course of his Intrigue with the Daughter
CHAPTER FOURTEEN. He is reduced to a dreadful Dilemma, in consequence of an Assignation with the Wife
CHAPTER FIFTEEN. But at length succeeds in his Attempt upon both
CHAPTER SIXTEEN. His Success begets a blind Security, by which he is once again well-nigh entrapped in his Dulcinea’s Apartment
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN. The Step-dame’s Suspicions being awakened, she lays a Snare for our Adventurer, from which he is delivered by the Interposition of his Good Genius
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN. Our Hero departs from Vienna, and quits the Domain of Venus for the rough Field of Mars
CHAPTER NINETEEN. He puts himself under the Guidance of his Associate, and stumbles upon the French Camp, where he finishes his Military Career
CHAPTER TWENTY. He prepares a Stratagem, but finds himself countermined—Proceeds on his Journey, and is overtaken by a terrible Tempest
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE. He falls upon Scylla, seeking to avoid Charybdis.
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO. He arrives at Paris, and is pleased with his Reception
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE. Acquits himself with Address in a Nocturnal Riot
CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR. He overlooks the Advances of his Friends, and smarts severely for his Neglect
CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE. He bears his Fate like a Philosopher; and contracts acquaintance with a very remarkable Personage
CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX. The History of the Noble Castilian
CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN. A flagrant Instance of Fathom’s Virtue, in the Manner of his Retreat to England
CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT. Some Account of his Fellow-Travellers
CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE. Another providential Deliverance from the Effects of the Smuggler’s ingenious Conjecture
CHAPTER THIRTY. The singular Manner of Fathom’s Attack and Triumph over the Virtue of the fair Elenor
CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE. He by accident encounters his old Friend, with whom he holds a Conference, and renews a Treaty
CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO. He appears in the great World with universal Applause and Admiration
CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE. He attracts the Envy and Ill Offices of the minor Knights of his own Order, over whom he obtains a complete Victory
CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR. He attracts the Envy and Ill Offices of the minor Knights of his own Order, over whom he obtains a complete Victory
CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE. He repairs to Bristol Spring, where he reigns paramount during the whole Season
CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX. He repairs to Bristol Spring, where he reigns paramount during the whole Season
CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN. He repairs to Bristol Spring, where he reigns paramount during the whole Season
CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE. Our Adventurer is made acquainted with a new Scene of Life
CHAPTER FORTY. He contemplates Majesty and its Satellites in Eclipse
CHAPTER FORTY-ONE. One Quarrel is compromised, and another decided by unusual Arms
CHAPTER FORTY-TWO. An unexpected Rencontre, and a happy Revolution in the Affairs of our Adventurer
CHAPTER FORTY-THREE. Fathom justifies the Proverb, “What’s bred in the Bone will never come out of the Flesh”
CHAPTER FORTY-FOUR. Fathom justifies the Proverb, “What’s bred in the Bone will never come out of the Flesh”
CHAPTER FORTY-FIVE. Renaldo’s Distress deepens, and Fathom’s Plot thickens
CHAPTER FORTY-SIX. Our Adventurer becomes absolute in his Power over the Passions of his Friend, and effects one half of his Aim
CHAPTER FORTY-SEVEN. The Art of Borrowing further explained, and an Account of a Strange Phenomenon
CHAPTER FORTY-EIGHT. Count Fathom unmasks his Battery; is repulsed; and varies his Operations without effect
CHAPTER FORTY-NINE. Monimia’s Honour is protected by the Interposition of Heaven
CHAPTER FIFTY. Fathom shifts the Scene, and appears in a new Character
CHAPTER FIFTY-ONE. Triumphs over a Medical Rival
CHAPTER FIFTY-TWO. Repairs to the Metropolis, and enrols himself among the Sons of Paean
CHAPTER FIFTY-THREE. Acquires Employment in consequence of a lucky Miscarriage
CHAPTER FIFTY-FOUR. His Eclipse, and gradual Declination
CHAPTER FIFTY-FIVE. After divers unsuccessful Efforts, he has recourse to the Matrimonial Noose
CHAPTER FIFTY-SIX. In which his Fortune is effectually strangled
CHAPTER FIFTY-SEVEN. Fathom being safely housed, the Reader is entertained with a Retrospect
CHAPTER FIFTY-EIGHT. Renaldo abridges the Proceedings at Law, and approves himself the Son of his Father
CHAPTER FIFTY-NINE. He is the Messenger of Happiness to his Sister, who removes the film which had long obstructed his Penetration, with regard to Count Fathom
CHAPTER SIXTY. He recompenses the Attachment of his Friend; and receives a Letter that reduces him to the Verge of Death and Distraction
CHAPTER SIXTY-ONE. Renaldo meets with a living Monument of Justice, and encounters a Personage of some Note in these Memoirs
CHAPTER SIXTY-TWO. His Return to England, and Midnight Pilgrimage to Monimia’s Tomb
CHAPTER SIXTY-THREE. He renews the Rites of Sorrow, and is entranced
CHAPTER SIXTY-FOUR. The Mystery unfolded—Another Recognition, which, it is to be hoped, the Reader could not foresee
CHAPTER SIXTY-FIVE. A retrospective Link, necessary for the Concatenation of these Memoirs
CHAPTER SIXTY-SIX. The History draws near a Period
CHAPTER SIXTY-SEVEN. The Longest and the Last
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