Mr. World and Miss Church-Member: A Twentieth Century Allegory


1. The two companions land far down the valley on “The Midway,” whence they take the Mountain Trolley and visit the underground Schools of Suicide.

2. Satan’s primitive address on Literature.

The aerial car carried Mr. World and Miss Church-Member to the far end of the Valley of Temptation where they spent a delightful season in the pleasures of sense and sight.

They lingered mostly on the wide intervening space between the two paths which was known in this part of the valley as “The Midway.” Here they saw a large number of pilgrims from the King’s Highway who were engaging in one or another of the endless amusements which can be enjoyed without stepping altogether on the Broad Highway.

On this long Midway humanity swarmed by millions. Some, forgetful of their vows, or regardless of their honor, stepped into the lower haunts of vice, and offered sweet flowers of purity and fragrance in exchange for dry and filthy husks from the floor of the stall. But Miss Church-Member, in keeping with her moral character, did not surrender her chastity, and although she had such continual fellowship with Mr. World she yet held the respect of many other church-members; for it was quite fashionable to belong to the church and still walk in the ways of the world. Satan, under a hellish guise, offered to give, even before death, handsome rewards to any church-member who succeeds in carrying a certain amount of the world with him on his way to Heaven, and multitudes were trying the experiment. Some, in hope of winning larger prizes, were verily loaded down with the worrying weights of the world.

Looking away from this immediate vicinity of the valley, any traveler could see, far above the surrounding scenes, the “University of the World,” whose front buildings crested the mountain elevations for many miles. This imposing sight had awakened the admiration of Mr. World and his friend, and had it not been for the countless attractions of the Midway they would have hurriedly pushed their way to the schools, immediately after the aerial car had carried them over the proud domes of the University and landed them in the vale.

During one of the darker periods which now and then cover the whole Midway with its shadows, the two companions caught the flashes of variously-colored lights which emanated from every part of the elevated structure, making the entire mountain appear as if a vast crown of nature were decked with dazzling diamonds rare.

Miss Church-Member was excited by this unusual show of brilliancy, and nothing on the lower level could any longer hold her attention.

“How can we best rise to that glorious summit?” she inquired with a glow of enthusiasm.

“Ah,” smiled Mr. World, “surely we need not think of walking up this mountain. Have you forgotten the obliging attendant who advised us as we stood on the beautiful tower? Did he not direct us to take the Mountain Trolley?”

Without delay they sought the Midway station, entered one of the up-to-date cars, and instead of going directly to the mountain top they were surprised to find that they were being carried into the bowels of the mountain.

“Whence go we dashing through the dark?” asked the terror-stricken Miss Church-Member as she held fast to Mr. World.

But ere her escort could answer they came into an immense cavern dimly lighted. The car stopped at a station called Rest, and a voice announced in distinct tones: “Come, ye troubled or distressed, and ye who are disgraced! Here linger in this underground school and learn of the rest that is for the weary.”

“What is your wish?” courteously asked Mr. World.

“I am neither in trouble nor in disgrace. Why should I tarry?”

“Only to see the lower schools before we go to the higher,” was his winning answer.

They alighted and walked forth in the dismal light. They could readily discern strangely shaped buildings of a costly type. The air was stifling, and everything wore a melancholy dress; yet, withal, there was a pleasing charm about the place. Some secret touch in the doleful music, or some bright tinge to the ominous shadows, awakened a curiosity and a hope in the visitors that prevented them from leaving the cavern at once.

In a half-decided mood Mr. World and Miss Church-Member meandered through this sickly region, and had decided to leave the place when they saw this illuminated motto over a massive arch:


A genial attendant informed Mr. World that visitors were welcome, but Miss Church-Member consented to enter only after some hesitancy. It was indeed a dark school, with long narrow halls where one could only see the darker side of life. Everything about the place evidenced the dark designs of Satan. The teachers in this infamous place, by a series of graded instructions, suggested to their pupils that suicide was the surest and shortest road to rest. In the darker rooms of the rear I saw, to my horror, a scene that neither Mr. World nor Miss Church-Member was permitted to see. _It was the daily graduating class of this school of suicide._ Each member of the class was instructed by what new method he might rend the strand of life with his own hand, in the desperate and sickening hope of finding rest “where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.”

I quickly turned from this revolting spectacle, and saw that Mr. World and Miss Church-Member had returned to the station called Rest. They boarded the first car and were soon speeding on through Dismal Tunnel. It was a welcome moment when the car emerged from the darkness into the light of day and took its winding course upward toward the microcosm of schools, which, as seen from this side of the mountain, also presented a picture of imposing magnitude.

When the car reached the University station Mr. World and his friend alighted, and at once entered one of the carriages in waiting. They were hurried away toward a group of immense structures known as the “College of the World’s Literature;” and yet with all the immensity of its buildings, it was but a small part of the whole University which lay far extended over the distant mountain elevations.

As the noiseless carriage sped along I turned toward Blackana, who, in strange muteness still tarried at my side. “I command you, O Black Interpreter, to tell me of the origin and management of this College of Literature.” As I spoke he turned his face in a manner that made me tremble. His sepulchral, husky voice only added to my uneasiness.

“It originated,” he explained, “in simpler form, immediately after Satan commenced operations on the face of the earth. Parallel with the progress of every age it has increased to its present proportions. That which you see is but the central point of this great educational enterprise. Its unseen branches extend into every part of the world. The whole system is under the control of Satan. His most learned disciples have charge of the special departments.”

“And what is the purpose of this limitless scheme?” I further queried. The whole organism of Blackana quivered with reluctance as if he would not answer. “Refuse me not,” I continued, “you well know that I have underneath me the everlasting arms.”

He was restless for a moment, angrily rolling his awful eyes. Suddenly his attitude changed and he thus calmly answered my question: “The purpose of all these schools is to counteract and, if possible, to destroy the influence of the teachings of Him who is called Jesus Christ. He was once visible in the flesh and declared that his kingdom was everlasting. Of him it was said that he would reign till he put all things under his feet.”

Then did Blackana add with fiery emphasis: “_Neither my master nor any of his allies will ever be put under his feet._ Satan’s words ran wild as he addressed the insulted hosts of Hell on this issue.” Knowing that Blackana had a perfect memory, I commanded that he should reproduce Satan’s address in my own dialect.

Like a flash of lightning he flung himself to the winds around me, thereby transforming himself into the image of Satan. It appeared as if a thousand spirits in fitful rage were dancing in mid-air.

Then his voice pealed forth the logic of Hell as Satan had spoken it centuries before: “Have ye heard, my noble comrades, how that Heaven flings insults into our teeth? Not satisfied that we grovel on these remains of empire, we are further threatened with being cast miserably under his feet. Whose feet I ask? The feet of our direst foe, whom to worship, as he desireth, means serfdom worse than ours. Is there one of you who will surrender his native dignity in such a fashion?”

Millions of voices rendered the air hideous with their cries, so accurately did Blackana reproduce it all.

“I knew your sentiments,” continued he, triumph ringing in his tones. “What can we do but stand unitedly on our rustic frontier, and push the conquest on to farther realms. Then all Heaven will learn that we are made of grit too fine and true to lie beneath the feet of any foe.”

As Blackana continued, I was struck with shuddering terror at his awful gestures; but conscious that no harm could befall me, I continued listening to his flaming oratory.

“We must arise and seize our opportunities. Go forth, under cover of night, and sow the seed of our own growing; this will flourish in the very soil that Christ would bring to highest cultivation. The germs of our literature, rooted in human soil and growing secretly beneath the surface, shall spread throughout the world and come to fruitage in the light of every clime.

“We must build schools of literature, inspire the authors of the world with our fine creed, and thereby spread our doctrines to the myriad readers of every land and tongue. Who then, amongst our enemies, can kill the appetite when once ’tis roused to craving for the carnal? Give me the quill and the coming pen and press, and I can create thought at my bidding and turn the main streams of human endeavor into whatsoever channels I choose; and thus our river shall run full, while other streams are drying.

“With such a work how can our cause grow less or we go groveling under any foot? Impossible, my heroes! for we will live in glorious triumph to the end of time. On to your tasks, listening multitudes, and he who most successfully counteracts the so-called ‘Truth’ shall be a ruler region.”

Thus was the speech suddenly ended, and I heard the unearthly reverberations of the fiendish cheering by the mighty host, while the form of Satan vanished; but from his waning shadows Blackana came forth and in death-like silence again resumed his sullen attitude at my side.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg