The Lights of the Church and the Light of Science

6 (return)
[ Bampton Lectures, 1859, pp. 50-51.]

7 (return)
[ Commentary on Genesis, by the Bishop of Ely, p. 77.]

8 (return)
[ Die Sintflut, 1876.]

9 (return)
[ Theologie und Naturwissenschaft, ii. 784-791 (1877).]

10 (return)
[ It is very doubtful if this means the region of the Armenian Ararat. More probably it designates some part either of the Kurdish range or of its south-eastern continuation.]

11 (return)
[ So Reclus (Nouvelle Geographie Universelle, ix. 386), but I find the statement doubted by an authority of the first rank.]

12 (return)
[ So far as I know, the narrative of the Creation is not now held to be true, in the sense in which I have defined historical truth, by any of the reconcilers. As for the attempts to stretch the Pentateuchal days into periods of thousands or millions of years, the verdict of the eminent Biblical scholar, Dr. Riehm (Der biblische Schopfungsbericht, 1881, pp. 15, 16) on such pranks of "Auslegungskunst" should be final. Why do the reconcilers take Goethe's advice seriously?—

     "Im Auslegen seyd frisch und munter!
      Legt ihr's nicht aus, so legt was unter."]

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All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg