Complete Poetical Works



     O poor Romancer—thou whose printed page,
     Filled with rude speech and ruder forms of strife,
     Was given to heroes in whose vulgar rage
     No trace appears of gentler ways and life!—

     Thou who wast wont of commoner clay to build
     Some rough Achilles or some Ajax tall;
     Thou whose free brush too oft was wont to gild
     Some single virtue till it dazzled all;—

     What right hast thou beside this laureled bier
     Whereon all manhood lies—whereon the wreath
     Of Harvard rests, the civic crown, and here
     The starry flag, and sword and jeweled sheath?

     Seest thou these hatchments?  Knowest thou this blood
     Nourished the heroes of Colonial days—
     Sent to the dim and savage-haunted wood
     Those sad-eyed Puritans with hymns of praise?

     Look round thee!  Everywhere is classic ground.
     There Greylock rears.  Beside yon silver "Bowl"
     Great Hawthorne dwelt, and in its mirror found
     Those quaint, strange shapes that filled his poet's soul.

     Still silent, Stranger?  Thou who now and then
     Touched the too credulous ear with pathos, canst not speak?
     Hast lost thy ready skill of tongue and pen?
     What, Jester!  Tears upon that painted cheek?

     Pardon, good friends!  I am not here to mar
     His laureled wreaths with this poor tinseled crown—
     This man who taught me how 'twas better far
     To be the poem than to write it down.

     I bring no lesson.  Well have others preached
     This sword that dealt full many a gallant blow;
     I come once more to touch the hand that reached
     Its knightly gauntlet to the vanquished foe.

     O pale Aristocrat, that liest there,
     So cold, so silent!  Couldst thou not in grace
     Have borne with us still longer, and so spare
     The scorn we see in that proud, placid face?

     "Hail and farewell!"  So the proud Roman cried
     O'er his dead hero.  "Hail," but not "farewell."
     With each high thought thou walkest side by side;
     We feel thee, touch thee, know who wrought the spell!

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg