Complete Poetical Works


     Here's yer toy balloons!  All sizes!
     Twenty cents for that.  It rises
     Jest as quick as that 'ere, Miss,
     Twice as big.  Ye see it is
     Some more fancy.  Make it square
     Fifty for 'em both.  That's fair.

     That's the sixth I've sold since noon.
     Trade's reviving.  Just as soon
     As this lot's worked off, I'll take
     Wholesale figgers.  Make or break,—
     That's my motto!  Then I'll buy
     In some first-class lottery
     One half ticket, numbered right—
     As I dreamed about last night.

     That'll fetch it.  Don't tell me!
     When a man's in luck, you see,
     All things help him.  Every chance
     Hits him like an avalanche.
     Here's your toy balloons, Miss.  Eh?
     You won't turn your face this way?
     Mebbe you'll be glad some day.
     With that clear ten thousand prize
     This 'yer trade I'll drop, and rise
     Into wholesale.  No!  I'll take
     Stocks in Wall Street.  Make or break,—
     That's my motto!  With my luck,
     Where's the chance of being stuck?
     Call it sixty thousand, clear,
     Made in Wall Street in one year.

     Sixty thousand!  Umph!  Let's see!
     Bond and mortgage'll do for me.
     Good!  That gal that passed me by
     Scornful like—why, mebbe I
     Some day'll hold in pawn—why not?—
     All her father's prop.  She'll spot
     What's my little game, and see
     What I'm after's HER.  He! he!

     He! he!  When she comes to sue—
     Let's see!  What's the thing to do?
     Kick her?  No!  There's the perliss!
     Sorter throw her off like this.
     Hello!  Stop!  Help!  Murder!  Hey!
     There's my whole stock got away,
     Kiting on the house-tops!  Lost!
     All a poor man's fortin!  Cost?
     Twenty dollars!  Eh!  What's this?
     Fifty cents!  God bless ye, Miss!

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg