Complete Poetical Works


     If Mr. Jones, Lycurgus B.,
     Had one peculiar quality,
     'Twas his severe advocacy
     Of conjugal fidelity.

     His views of heaven were very free;
     His views of life were painfully
     Ridiculous; but fervently
     He dwelt on marriage sanctity.

     He frequently went on a spree;
     But in his wildest revelry,
     On this especial subject he
     Betrayed no ambiguity.

     And though at times Lycurgus B.
     Did lay his hands not lovingly
     Upon his wife, the sanctity
     Of wedlock was his guaranty.

     But Mrs. Jones declined to see
     Affairs in the same light as he,
     And quietly got a decree
     Divorcing her from that L. B.

     And what did Jones, Lycurgus B.,
     With his known idiosyncrasy?
     He smiled,—a bitter smile to see,—
     And drew the weapon of Bowie.

     He did what Sickles did to Key,—
     What Cole on Hiscock wrought, did he;
     In fact, on persons twenty-three
     He proved the marriage sanctity.

     The counselor who took the fee,
     The witnesses and referee,
     The judge who granted the decree,
     Died in that wholesale butchery.

     And then when Jones, Lycurgus B.,
     Had wiped the weapon of Bowie,
     Twelve jurymen did instantly
     Acquit and set Lycurgus free.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg