Cross Roads


     I do not want to be worshipped,
     From a distance;
     Like some idol carved in wood,
     Or stone.
     I want to be loved
     As every real woman
     Wants to be loved!

     And so....
     Lay aside the book that you are reading from—
     What if Leander did swim the Hellespont?
     And what if burning Sappho
     Did sing?
     What do I care for
     Launcelot and Elaine,
     Or Tristram and Isolt,
     Or Aucassin and Nicholette?

     Lay aside the book that you are reading from,
     And cross the room quickly,
     And take my cold hands between your two
     Warmer ones....
     And here, in the vivid dusk,
     We will make our own love songs!

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg