Cross Roads


     I wonder if you know, up there in heaven,
        That I have kept your roses, crumpled now.
     I wonder if you guess that still I treasure
        A faded ribbon that once touched your brow.
     I wonder if you dream, as dusk is falling,
        Of how I read that note you sent to me.
     I wonder if you think, up there in heaven,
        Of all the golden days that used to be.

     I wonder if you smile up there in heaven,
        And pass by, lightly, in your robes of white;
     Or if you sometimes think of me a little.
        You seem so near, so very near tonight.
     I wonder if that last shy kiss I gave you
        Can make you lonely, just a bit, for me.
     I wonder if you long, up there in heaven,
        For all the golden plans that used to be.

     Do they have valentines up there in heaven?
        A love like mine is surely strong to go
     The little way from earth to where you wait me,
        Although it be beyond the stars' faint glow.
     I want you dear; my tired heart is calling;
        My eyes are searching, though they may not see;
     I wonder if you're lonely, there in heaven,
        For all the golden dreams that used to be.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg