Cross Roads


     He came to call last night—
     And we began to talk, as young folk will,
     Half carelessly, and half in awe, of God.
     It was the springtime, and the night was still
     And fragrant, all about us.
                                  And the sod
     Was fresh with tender grass,
     And overhead a crescent moon shone bright.
     And, "God," he said, "Has built the world on laws,
     "Like some great watch, and every breathing space
     "Is measured; and the system has no flaws,
     "And nothing moves from its appointed place.
     "God is the Master Scientist," he said,
     His voice was bold and had a ring of truth—
     But God seemed ponderous, and far away....

     And then a gentle breeze danced overhead,
     And caused the timid, new-born leaves to sway,
     And we began to talk of love, and youth.

     And then, I sent him home, and went upstairs,
     To my still room, and flung the windows wide;
     And as I knelt to say my evening prayers
     I saw the stars, far smiling, in the sky.
     And, all at once, I knew the reason why
     I worshipped God... knew why He had sent
     His son to save the world from sin and shame;
     And, suddenly, like some sweet, healing tide,
     The meaning of my life swept over me;
     And, through the dark, my groping soul could see
     The Christ Who loved us, and was crucified.

     And, as I knelt and watched the star's faint shine,
     I felt God's hand, a moment, touching mine!

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg