Main Street, and Other Poems

Gates and Doors

(For Richardson Little Wright)

 There was a gentle hostler
  (And blessed be his name!)
 He opened up the stable
  The night Our Lady came.
 Our Lady and Saint Joseph,
  He gave them food and bed,
 And Jesus Christ has given him
  A glory round his head.

      So let the gate swing open
       However poor the yard,
      Lest weary people visit you
       And find their passage barred;
      Unlatch the door at midnight
       And let your lantern's glow
      Shine out to guide the traveler's feet
       To you across the snow.

 There was a courteous hostler
  (He is in Heaven to-night)
 He held Our Lady's bridle
  And helped her to alight;
 He spread clean straw before her
  Whereon she might lie down,
 And Jesus Christ has given him
  An everlasting crown.

      Unlock the door this evening
       And let your gate swing wide,
      Let all who ask for shelter
       Come speedily inside.
      What if your yard be narrow?
       What if your house be small?
      There is a Guest is coming
       Will glorify it all.

 There was a joyous hostler
  Who knelt on Christmas morn
 Beside the radiant manger
  Wherein his Lord was born.
 His heart was full of laughter,
  His soul was full of bliss
 When Jesus, on His Mother's lap,
  Gave him His hand to kiss.

      Unbar your heart this evening
       And keep no stranger out,
      Take from your soul's great portal
       The barrier of doubt.
      To humble folk and weary
       Give hearty welcoming,
      Your breast shall be to-morrow
       The cradle of a King.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg