Spirits in Bondage: A Cycle of Lyrics


     Noon! and in the garden bower
     The hot air quivers o'er the grass,
     The little lake is smooth as glass
     And still so heavily the hour
     Drags, that scarce the proudest flower
     Pressed upon its burning bed
     Has strength to lift a languid head:—
     Rose and fainting violet
     By the water's margin set
     Swoon and sink as they were dead
     Though their weary leaves be fed
     With the foam-drops of the pool
     Where it trembles dark and cool
     Wrinkled by the fountain spraying
     O'er it. And the honey-bee
     Hums his drowsy melody
     And wanders in his course a-straying
     Through the sweet and tangled glade
     With his golden mead o'erladen,
     Where beneath the pleasant shade
     Of the darkling boughs a maiden—
     Milky limb and fiery tress,
     All at sweetest random laid—
     Slumbers, drunken with the excess
     Of the noontide's loveliness.

XIX. Milton Read Again (In Surrey)

     Three golden months while summer on us stole
     I have read your joyful tale another time,
     Breathing more freely in that larger clime
     And learning wiselier to deserve the whole.

     Your Spirit, Master, has been close at hand
     And guided me, still pointing treasures rare,
     Thick-sown where I before saw nothing fair
     And finding waters in the barren land,

     Barren once thought because my eyes were dim.
     Like one I am grown to whom the common field
     And often-wandered copse one morning yield
     New pleasures suddenly; for over him

     Falls the weird spirit of unexplained delight,
     New mystery in every shady place,
     In every whispering tree a nameless grace,
     New rapture on the windy seaward height.

     So may she come to me, teaching me well
     To savour all these sweets that lie to hand
     In wood and lane about this pleasant land
     Though it be not the land where I would dwell.

     XX. Sonnet

     The stars come out; the fragrant shadows fall
     About a dreaming garden still and sweet,
     I hear the unseen bats above me bleat
     Among the ghostly moths their hunting call,
     And twinkling glow-worms all about me crawl.
     Now for a chamber dim, a pillow meet
     For slumbers deep as death, a faultless sheet,
     Cool, white and smooth. So may I reach the hall
     With poppies strewn where sleep that is so dear
     With magic sponge can wipe away an hour
     Or twelve and make them naught. Why not a year,
     Why could a man not loiter in that bower
     Until a thousand painless cycles wore,
     And then-what if it held him evermore?

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg