Spirits in Bondage: A Cycle of Lyrics

X. To Sleep

     I will find out a place for thee, O Sleep—
     A hidden wood among the hill-tops green,
     Full of soft streams and little winds that creep
       The murmuring boughs between.

     A hollow cup above the ocean placed
     Where nothing rough, nor loud, nor harsh shall be,
     But woodland light and shadow interlaced
       And summer sky and sea.

     There in the fragrant twilight I will raise
     A secret altar of the rich sea sod,
     Whereat to offer sacrifice and praise
       Unto my lonely god:

     Due sacrifice of his own drowsy flowers,
     The deadening poppies in an ocean shell
     Round which through all forgotten days and hours
       The great seas wove their spell.

     So may he send me dreams of dear delight
     And draughts of cool oblivion, quenching pain,
     And sweet, half-wakeful moments in the night
       To hear the falling rain.

     And when he meets me at the dusk of day
     To call me home for ever, this I ask—
     That he may lead me friendly on that way
       And wear no frightful mask.

XI. In Prison

     I cried out for the pain of man,
     I cried out for my bitter wrath
     Against the hopeless life that ran
     For ever in a circling path
     From death to death since all began;
     Till on a summer night
     I lost my way in the pale starlight
     And saw our planet, far and small,
     Through endless depths of nothing fall
     A lonely pin-prick spark of light,
     Upon the wide, enfolding night,
     With leagues on leagues of stars above it,
     And powdered dust of stars below—
     Dead things that neither hate nor love it
     Not even their own loveliness can know,
     Being but cosmic dust and dead.
     And if some tears be shed,
     Some evil God have power,
     Some crown of sorrow sit
     Upon a little world for a little hour—
     Who shall remember? Who shall care for it?

XII. De Profundis

     Come let us curse our Master ere we die,
     For all our hopes in endless ruin lie.
     The good is dead. Let us curse God most High.

     Four thousand years of toil and hope and thought
     Wherein man laboured upward and still wrought
     New worlds and better, Thou hast made as naught.

     We built us joyful cities, strong and fair,
     Knowledge we sought and gathered wisdom rare.
     And all this time you laughed upon our care,

     And suddenly the earth grew black with wrong,
     Our hope was crushed and silenced was our song,
     The heaven grew loud with weeping. Thou art strong.

     Come then and curse the Lord. Over the earth
     Gross darkness falls, and evil was our birth
     And our few happy days of little worth.

     Even if it be not all a dream in vain
     The ancient hope that still will rise again—
     Of a just God that cares for earthly pain,

     Yet far away beyond our labouring night,
     He wanders in the depths of endless light,
     Singing alone his musics of delight;

     Only the far, spent echo of his song
     Our dungeons and deep cells can smite along,
     And Thou art nearer. Thou art very strong.

     O universal strength, I know it well,
     It is but froth of folly to rebel;
     For thou art Lord and hast the keys of Hell.

     Yet I will not bow down to thee nor love thee,
     For looking in my own heart I can prove thee,
     And know this frail, bruised being is above thee.

     Our love, our hope, our thirsting for the right,
     Our mercy and long seeking of the light,
     Shall we change these for thy relentless might?

     Laugh then and slay. Shatter all things of worth,
     Heap torment still on torment for thy mirth—
     Thou art not Lord while there are Men on earth.

XIII. Satan Speaks

     I am the Lord your God: even he that made
     Material things, and all these signs arrayed
     Above you and have set beneath the race
     Of mankind, who forget their Father's face
     And even while they drink my light of day
     Dream of some other gods and disobey
     My warnings, and despise my holy laws,
     Even tho' their sin shall slay them. For which cause,
     Dreams dreamed in vain, a never-filled desire
     And in close flesh a spiritual fire,
     A thirst for good their kind shall not attain,
     A backward cleaving to the beast again.
     A loathing for the life that I have given,
     A haunted, twisted soul for ever riven
     Between their will and mine-such lot I give
     White still in my despite the vermin live.
     They hate my world! Then let that other God
     Come from the outer spaces glory-shod,
     And from this castle I have built on Night
     Steal forth my own thought's children into light,
     If such an one there be. But far away
     He walks the airy fields of endless day,
     And my rebellious sons have called Him long
     And vainly called. My order still is strong
     And like to me nor second none I know.
     Whither the mammoth went this creature too shall go.

XIV. The Witch

     Trapped amid the woods with guile
     They've led her bound in fetters vile
     To death, a deadlier sorceress
     Than any born for earth's distress
     Since first the winner of the fleece
     Bore home the Colchian witch to Greece—
     Seven months with snare and gin
     They've sought the maid o'erwise within
     The forest's labyrinthine shade.
     The lonely woodman half afraid
     Far off her ragged form has seen
     Sauntering down the alleys green,
     Or crouched in godless prayer alone
     At eve before a Druid stone.
     But now the bitter chase is won,
     The quarry's caught, her magic's done,
     The bishop's brought her strongest spell
     To naught with candle, book, and bell;
     With holy water splashed upon her,
     She goes to burning and dishonour
     Too deeply damned to feel her shame,
     For, though beneath her hair of flame
     Her thoughtful head be lowly bowed
     It droops for meditation proud
     Impenitent, and pondering yet
     Things no memory can forget,
     Starry wonders she has seen
     Brooding in the wildwood green
     With holiness. For who can say
     In what strange crew she loved to play,
     What demons or what gods of old
     Deep mysteries unto her have told
     At dead of night in worship bent
     At ruined shrines magnificent,
     Or how the quivering will she sent
     Alone into the great alone
     Where all is loved and all is known,
     Who now lifts up her maiden eyes
     And looks around with soft surprise
     Upon the noisy, crowded square,
     The city oafs that nod and stare,
     The bishop's court that gathers there,
     The faggots and the blackened stake
     Where sinners die for justice' sake?
     Now she is set upon the pile,
     The mob grows still a little while,
     Till lo! before the eager folk
     Up curls a thin, blue line of smoke.
     "Alas!" the full-fed burghers cry,
     "That evil loveliness must die!"

XV. Dungeon Grates

     So piteously the lonely soul of man
     Shudders before this universal plan,
     So grievous is the burden and the pain,
     So heavy weighs the long, material chain
     From cause to cause, too merciless for hate,
     The nightmare march of unrelenting fate,
     I think that he must die thereof unless
     Ever and again across the dreariness
     There came a sudden glimpse of spirit faces,
     A fragrant breath to tell of flowery places
     And wider oceans, breaking on the shore
     From which the hearts of men are always sore.
     It lies beyond endeavour; neither prayer
     Nor fasting, nor much wisdom winneth there,
     Seeing how many prophets and wise men
     Have sought for it and still returned again
     With hope undone. But only the strange power
     Of unsought Beauty in some casual hour
     Can build a bridge of light or sound or form
     To lead you out of all this strife and storm;
     When of some beauty we are grown a part
     Till from its very glory's midmost heart
     Out leaps a sudden beam of larger light
     Into our souls. All things are seen aright
     Amid the blinding pillar of its gold,
     Seven times more true than what for truth we hold
     In vulgar hours. The miracle is done
     And for one little moment we are one
     With the eternal stream of loveliness
     That flows so calm, aloft from all distress
     Yet leaps and lives around us as a fire
     Making us faint with overstrong desire
     To sport and swim for ever in its deep—
     Only a moment.
                           O! but we shall keep
     Our vision still. One moment was enough,
     We know we are not made of mortal stuff.
     And we can bear all trials that come after,
     The hate of men and the fool's loud bestial laughter
     And Nature's rule and cruelties unclean,
     For we have seen the Glory-we have seen.

XVI. The Philosopher

     Who shall be our prophet then,
     Chosen from all the sons of men
     To lead his fellows on the way
     Of hidden knowledge, delving deep
     To nameless mysteries that keep
     Their secret from the solar day!
     Or who shall pierce with surer eye!
     This shifting veil of bittersweet
     And find the real things that lie
     Beyond this turmoil, which we greet
     With such a wasted wealth of tears?
     Who shall cross over for us the bridge of fears
     And pass in to the country where the ancient Mothers dwell?
     Is it an elder, bent and hoar
     Who, where the waste Atlantic swell
     On lonely beaches makes its roar,
     In his solitary tower
     Through the long night hour by hour
     Pores on old books with watery eye
     When all his youth has passed him by,
     And folly is schooled and love is dead
     And frozen fancy laid abed,
     While in his veins the gradual blood
     Slackens to a marish flood?
     For he rejoiceth not in the ocean's might,
     Neither the sun giveth delight,
     Nor the moon by night
     Shall call his feet to wander in the haunted forest lawn.
     He shall no more rise suddenly in the dawn
     When mists are white and the dew lies pearly
     Cold and cold on every meadow,
     To take his joy of the season early,
     The opening flower and the westward shadow,
     And scarcely can he dream of laughter and love,
     They lie so many leaden years behind.
     Such eyes are dim and blind,
     And the sad, aching head that nods above
     His monstrous books can never know
     The secret we would find.
     But let our seer be young and kind
     And fresh and beautiful of show,
     And taken ere the lustyhead
     And rapture of his youth be dead;
     Ere the gnawing, peasant reason
     School him over-deep in treason
     To the ancient high estate
     Of his fancy's principate,
     That he may live a perfect whole,
     A mask of the eternal soul,
     And cross at last the shadowy bar
     To where the ever-living are.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg