Songs, Merry and Sad

M. W. Ransom

       (Died October 8, 1904)
     For him, who in a hundred battles stood
      Scorning the cannon's mouth,
     Grimy with flame and red with foeman's blood,
      For thy sweet sake, O South;

     Who, wise as brave, yielded his conquered sword
      At a vain war's surcease,
     And spoke, thy champion still, the statesman's word
      In the calm halls of peace;

     Who pressed the ruddy wine to thy faint lips,
      Where thy torn body lay,
     And saw afar time's white in-sailing ships
      Bringing a happier day:

     Oh, mourn for him, dear land that gave him birth!
      Bow low thy sorrowing head!
     Let thy seared leaves fall silent on the earth
      Whereunder he lies dead!

     In field and hall, in valor and in grace,
      In wisdom's livery,
     Gentle and brave, he moved with knightly pace,
      A worthy son of thee!

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg