Cinderella; Or, The Little Glass Slipper, and Other Stories


     Four hungry-looking animals
     All seated in a row;
     Why does not some one speak to them?
     That’s what I want to know.

     They all of them were bidden to
     A fine Thanksgiving feast,
     And now, it seems to me, their host
     Might welcome them, at least.

     ‘Twas Master Pug invited them,
     Why does he not appear?
     ‘Tis plain they think his absence looks
     Extremely rude and queer.

     Alas! poor Pug’s in trouble sore,
     The host he cannot play;
     No feast for self or friends has he
     On this Thanksgiving Day.

     He saw a turkey, large and fat,
     Upon the kitchen shelf.
     “That’s just the very thing I want,”
      Said he unto himself.

     He caught the turkey, but the cook
     Caught him with firmer grasp,
     And shook him till he could not bark
     But only choke and gasp.

     Meanwhile, those hungry animals,
     Who’d waited there in vain,
     Declared they never would be guest
     Of Mr. Pug again.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg