

SCENE I. Valencia. The Court

Sound. Enter Mucedorus and Anselmo his friend.


My lord and friend.

True, my Anselmo, both thy lord and friend—

Whose dear affections bosom with my heart,
And keep their domination in one orb,
Whence ne’er disloyalty shall root it forth,
But faith plant firmer in your choice respect.

Much blame were mine, if I should other deem,
Nor can coy Fortune contrary allow.
But, my Anselmo, loth I am to say,
I must estrange that friendship;
Misconstrue not, ’tis from the realm, not thee:
Though lands part bodies, hearts keep company.
Thou knowst that I imparted often have
Private relations with my royal sire,
Had as concerning beautious Amadine,
Rich Aragon’s bright jewel, whose face (some say)
That blooming lilies never shone so gay,
Excelling, not excell’d; yet least report
Does mangle verity, boasting of what is not,
Wing’d with desire, thither I’ll straight repair,
And be my fortunes, as my thoughts are, fair!

Will you forsake Valencia, leave the court,
Absent you from the eye of sovereignty?
Do not, sweet prince, adventure on that task,
Since danger lurks each where; be won from it!

Desist dissuasion,
My resolution brooks no battery.
Therefore, if thou retain thy wonted form,
Assist what I intend.

Your miss will breed a blemish in the court,
And throw a frosty dew upon that beard,
Whose front Valencia stoops to.

If thou my welfare tender, then no more;
Let love’s strong magic charm thy trivial phrase,
Wasted as vainly as to gripe the sun.
Augment not then more answers; lock thy lips,
Unless thy wisdom suit me with disguise,
According to my purpose.

That action craves no counsel,
Since what you rightly are will more command,
Than best usurped shape.

Thou still art opposite in disposition;
A more obscure servile habiliment
Beseems this enterprise.

Then like a Florentine or mountebank!

’Tis much too tedious; I dislike thy judgement,
My mind is grafted on an humbler stock.

Within my closet there does hang a cassock,
Though base the weed is, ’twas a shepherd’s once,
Which I presented in Lord Julio’s masque.

That, my Anselmo, and none else but that,
Mask Mucedorus from the vulgar view.
That habit suits my mind; fetch me that weed.

[Exit Anselmo.]

Better than kings have not disdain’d that state,
And much inferiour, to obtain their mate.

Enter Anselmo with a Shepherd’s coat, which he gives to Mucedorus.

Let our respect command thy secrecy,
And let us take at once a brief farewell;
Delay to lovers is a second hell.

[Exit Mucedorus.]

Prosperity forerun thee; awkward chance
Never be neighbour to thy wishes’ venture;
Content and Fame advance thee; ever thrive,
And glory thy mortality survive!


All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg