

Enter Comedy and Envy.

How now, Envy? What, blushest thou already?
Peep forth, hide not thy head with shame,
But with a courage praise a woman’s deeds.
Thy threats were vain, thou couldst do me no hurt,
Although thou seem’dst to cross me with despite,
I overwhelm’d and turned upside down thy block
And made thyself to stumble at the same.

Though stumbled, yet not overthrown,
Thou canst not draw my heart to mildness,
Yet must I needs confess, thou hast done well,
And play’d thy part with mirth and pleasant glee.
Say all this, yet canst thou not conquer me,
Although this time thou’st got—yet not the conquest neither,
A double revenge another time I’ll have.

Envy, spit thy gall;
Plot, work, contrive, create new fallacies,
Teem from thy womb each minute a black traitor,
Whose blood and thoughts have twins conception;
Study to act deeds yet unchronicled,
Cast native monsters in the moulds of men;
Case vicious devils under sainted rochets;
Unhasp the wicked where all perjuries roost,
And swarm this ball with treasons, do thy worst,
Thou canst not, hell-hound, cross my star tonight,
Nor blind that glory, where I wish delight.

I can, I will.

Nefarious hag, begin;
And let us tug, till one the mastery win.

Comedy, thou art a shallow goose,
I’ll overthrow thee in thine own intent,
And make thy fall my comic merriment.

Thy policy wants gravity, thou art
Too weak. Speak, fiend, as how?

Why, thus.
From my foul study will I hoist a wretch,
A lean and hungry meager cannibal,
Whose jaws swell to his eyes with chawing malice;
And him I’ll make a poet.

What’s that to the purpose?

This scrambling raven with his needy beard,
Will I whet on to write a comedy;
Wherein shall be compos’d dark sentences,
Pleasing to factious brains:
And every otherwhere place me a jest,
Whose high abuse shall more torment than blows.
Then I myself, quicker than lightning,
Will fly me to a puissant magistrate,
And waiting with a trencher at his back,
In midst of jollity rehearse those galls,
With some additions, so lately vented in your theatre:
He upon this cannot but make complaint,
To your great danger, or at least restraint.

Ha, ha, ha! I laugh to hear thy folly;
This is a trap for boys, not men, nor such,
Especially desertful in their doings,
Whose staid discretion rules their purposes.
I and my faction do eschew those vices.
But see, O see, the weary sun for rest
Hath lain his golden compass to the west,
Where he perpetual bide and ever shine,
As David’s offspring in his happy clime.
Stoop, Envy, stoop, bow to the earth with me,
Let’s beg our pardon on our bended knee.

[They kneel.]

My power has lost her might, and Envy’s date’s expired,
Yon splendant majesty hath ’fell’d my sting,
And I amazed am.

[Fall down and quake.]

Glorious and wise Arch-Cæsar on this earth,
At whose appearance, Envy’s stricken dumb,
And all bad things cease operation,
Vouchsafe to pardon our unwilling error,
So late presented to your gracious view,
And we’ll endeavour with excess of pain,
To please your senses in a choicer strain.
Thus we commit you to the arms of night,
Whose spangled darkness would, for your delight,
Strive to excell the day: be blessed then,
Who other wishes, let him never speak—

To Fame and Honour we commend your rest,
Live still more happy, every hour more blest.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg