Massacre at Paris

[Scene xvii]

      Enter a Souldier.

   SOULDIER. Sir, to you sir, that dare make the Duke a cuckolde,
   and use a counterfeite key to his privie Chamber doore: And
   although you take out nothing but your owne, yet you put in
   that which displeaseth him, and so forestall his market, and set up
   your standing where you should not: and whereas tree is your
   Landlord, you would take upon you to be his, and tyll the ground
   that he himself should occupy, which is his own free land. If it be
   not too free there's the question: and though I come not to take
   possession (as I would I might) yet I meane to keepe you out,
   which I will if this geare horde: what are ye come so soone?
   have at ye sir.

        Enter Mugeroun.

        He shootes at him and killes him.

        Enter the Guise [attended].

   GUISE. Holde thee tall Souldier, take thou this and flye.

        Exit Souldier.

   Lye there the Kings delight, and Guises scorne.
   Revenge it Henry as thou list'st or dar'st,
   I did it only in despite of thee.

        Take him away.

        Enter the King and Epernoune.

   KING. My Lord of Guise, we understand that you
   Have gathered a power of men.
   What your intent is yet we cannot learn,
   But we presume it is not for our good.

   GUISE. Why I am no traitor to the crowne of France.
   What I have done tis for the Gospel's sake.

   EPERNOUNE. Nay for the Popes sake, and shine owne benefite.
   What Peere in France but thou (aspiring Guise)
   Durst be in armes without the Kings consent?
   I challenge thee for treason in the cause.

   GUISE. Oh base Epernoune, were not his highnes heere,
   Thou shouldst perceive the Duke of Guise is mov'd.

   KING. Be patient Guise and threat not Epernoune,
   Least thou perceive the King of France be mov'd.

   GUISE. Why? I am a Prince of the Valoyses line,
   Therfore an enemy to the Burbonites.
   I am a juror in the holy league,
   And therfore hated of the Protestants.
   What should I doe but stand upon my guarde?
   And being able, Ile keep an hoast in pay.

   EPERNOUNE. Thou able to maintaine an hoast in pay,
   That livest by forraine exhibition?
   The Pope and King of Spaine are thy good frends,
   Else all France knowes how poor a Duke thou art.

   KING. I, those are they that feed him with their golde,
   To countermaund our will and check our freends.

   GUISE. My Lord, to speak more plainely, thus it is:
   Being animated by Religious zeale,
   I meane to muster all the power I can,
   To overthrow those factious Puritans:
   And know, the Pope will sell his triple crowne,
   I, and the catholick Philip King of Spaine,
   Ere I shall want, will cause his Indians,
   To rip the golden bowels of America.
   Navarre that cloakes them underneath his wings,
   Shall feele the house of Lorayne is his foe:
   Your highnes need not feare mine armies force,
   Tis for your safetie and your enemies wrack.

   KING. Guise, weare our crowne, and be thou King of France,
   And as Dictator make or warre or peace,
   Whilste I cry placet like a Senator.
   I cannot brook thy hauty insolence,
   Dismisse thy campe or else by our Edict,
   Be thou proclaimde a traitor throughout France.

   GUISE. The choyse is hard, I must dissemble.


   My Lord, in token of my true humilitie,
   And simple meaning to your Majestie,
   I kisse your graces hand, and take my leave,
   Intending to dislodge my campe with speed.

   KING. Then farwell Guise, the King and thou art freends.

        Exit Guise.

   EPERNOUNE. But trust him not my Lord,
   For had your highnesse seene with what a pompe
   He entred Paris, and how the Citizens
   With gifts and shewes did entertaine him
   And promised to be at his commaund:
   Nay, they fear'd not to speak in the streetes,
   That Guise ch, durst stand in armes against the King,
   For not effecting of his holines will.

   KING. Did they of Paris entertaine him so?
   Then meanes he present treason to our state.
   Well, let me alone, whose within there?

       Enter one with e pen and inke.

   Make a discharge of all my counsell straite,
   And Ile subscribe my name and seale it straight.
   My head shall be my counsell, they are false:
   And Epernoune I will be rulde by thee.

   EPERNOUNE. My Lord,
   I think for safety of your person,
   It would be good the Guise were made away,
   And so to quite your grace of all suspect.

   KING. First let us set our hand and seale to this,
   And then Ile tell thee what I meane to doe.

        He writes.

   So, convey this to the counsell presently.

        Exit one.

   And Epernoune though I seeme milde and calme,
   Thinke not but I am tragicall within:
   Ile secretly convey me unto Bloyse,
   For now that Paris takes the Guises parse,
   Heere is not staying for the King of France,
   Unles he means to be betraide and dye:
   But as I live, so sure the Guise shall dye.


All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg