Massacre at Paris

Table of Contents with inital stage directions:

 Dramatis Personae

 Scene 1: Enter Charles the French King, [Catherine] the Queene
   Mother, the King of Navarre, the Prince of Condye, the Lord high
   Admirall, and [Margaret] the Queene of Navarre, with others.

 Scene 2: Enter the Duke of Guise.

 Scene 3: Enter the King of Navar and Queen [Margaret], and his
   [olde] Mother Queen [of Navarre], the Prince of Condy, the
   Admirall, and the Pothecary with the gloves, and gives them
   to the olde Queene.

 Scene 4: Enter [Charles] the King, [Catherine the] Queene
   Mother, Duke of Guise, Duke Anjoy, Duke Demayne [and Cossin,
   Captain of the Kings Guard].

 Scene 5: Enter Guise, Anjoy, Dumaine, Gonzago, Retes, Montsorrell,
   and Souldiers to the massacre.

 Scene 6: Enter Mountsorrell and knocks at Serouns doore.

 Scene 7: Enter Ramus in his studie.

 Scene 8: Enter Anjoy, with two Lords of Poland.

 Scene 9: Enter two with the Admirals body.

 Scene 10: Enter five or sixe Protestants with bookes, and kneele

 Scene 11: Enter [Charles] the King of France, Navar and Epernoune
   staying him: enter Queene Mother, and the Cardinall [of Loraine,
   and Pleshe].

 Scene 12: Sound Trumpets within, and then all crye vive le Roy two
   or three times.

 Scene 13: Enter the Duchesse of Guise, and her Maide.

 Scene 14: Enter the King of Navarre, Pleshe and Bartus, and
   their train, with drums and trumpets.

 Scene 15: Enter [Henry] the King of France, Duke of Guise,
   Epernoune, and Duke Joyeux.

 Scene 16: Alarums within.  The Duke Joyeux slaine.

 Scene 17: Enter a Souldier.

 Scene 18: Enter the King of Navarre reading of a letter, and

 Scene 19: Enter the Captaine of the guarde, and three murtherers.

 Scene 20: Enter two [Murtherers] dragging in the Cardenall [of

 Scene 21: Enter Duke Dumayn reading of a letter, with others.

 Scene 22: Sound Drumme and Trumpets, and enter the King of France,
   and Navarre, Epernoune, Bartus, Pleshe and Souldiers.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg