Country Sentiment


     Frowning over the riddle that Daniel told,
     Down through the mist hung garden, below a feeble sun,
     The King of Persia walked:  oh, the chilling cold!
     His mind was webbed with a grey shroud vapour-spun.

     Here for the pride of his soaring eagle heart,
     Here for his great hand searching the skies for food,
     Here for his courtship of Heaven's high stars he shall smart,
     Nebuchadnezzar shall fall, crawl, be subdued.

     Hot sun struck through the vapour, leaf strewn mould
     Breathed sweet decay:  old Earth called for her child.
     Mist drew off from his mind, Sun scattered gold,
     Warmth came and earthy motives fresh and wild.

     Down on his knees he sinks, the stiff-necked King,
     Stoops and kneels and grovels, chin to the mud.
     Out from his changed heart flutter on startled wing
     The fancy birds of his Pride, Honour, Kinglihood.

     He crawls, he grunts, he is beast-like, frogs and snails
     His diet, and grass, and water with hand for cup.
     He herds with brutes that have hooves and horns and tails,
     He roars in his anger, he scratches, he looks not up.


     "Give us Rain, Rain," said the bean and the pea,
       "Not so much Sun,
       Not so much Sun."
     But the Sun smiles bravely and encouragingly,
     And no rain falls and no waters run.

     "Give us Peace, Peace," said the peoples oppressed,
       "Not so many Flags,
       Not so many Flags."
     But the Flags fly and the Drums beat, denying rest,
     And the children starve, they shiver in rags.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg