Poems and Songs of Robert Burns

The Cotter’s Saturday Night
Address To The Deil
Scotch Drink

The Auld Farmer’s New-Year-Morning Salutation To His Auld Mare, Maggie
The Twa Dogs1
The Author’s Earnest Cry And Prayer
The Ordination
Epistle To James Smith
The Vision
Suppressed Stanza’s Of “The Vision”
Address To The Unco Guid, Or The Rigidly Righteous
The Inventory1
To John Kennedy, Dumfries House
To Mr. M’Adam, Of Craigen-Gillan
To A Louse, On Seeing One On A Lady’s Bonnet, At Church
Inscribed On A Work Of Hannah More’s
Song, Composed In Spring
To A Mountain Daisy,
To Ruin
The Lament
Despondency: An Ode
To Gavin Hamilton, Esq., Mauchline,
Versified Reply To An Invitation
Song—Will Ye Go To The Indies, My Mary?
Song—My Highland Lassie, O
Epistle To A Young Friend
Address Of Beelzebub
A Dream
A Dedication
Versified Note To Dr. Mackenzie, Mauchline
The Farewell To the Brethren of St. James’ Lodge, Tarbolton.
On A Scotch Bard, Gone To The West Indies
Song—Farewell To Eliza
A Bard’s Epitaph
Epitaph On “Wee Johnie”
The Lass O’ Ballochmyle
Lines To An Old Sweetheart
Motto Prefixed To The Author’s First Publication
Lines To Mr. John Kennedy
Lines Written On A Banknote
Stanzas On Naething
The Farewell
Thomson’s Edward and Eleanora.
The Calf
Nature’s Law—A Poem
Song—Willie Chalmers
Reply To A Trimming Epistle Received From A Tailor
The Brigs Of Ayr
Fragment Of Song
Epigram On Rough Roads
Prayer—O Thou Dread Power
Farewell Song To The Banks Of Ayr
Address To The Toothache
Lines On Meeting With Lord Daer1
Masonic Song
Tam Samson’s Elegy
The Epitaph
Per Contra
Epistle To Major Logan
Fragment On Sensibility
A Winter Night
Song—Yon Wild Mossy Mountains

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg