The Riverman


When Newmark left, in the early stages of the jam, he gave scant thought to the errand on which he had ostensibly departed. Whether or nor Orde got a supply of piles was to him a matter of indifference. His hope, or rather preference was that the jam should go out; but he saw clearly what Orde, blinded by the swift action of the struggle, was as yet unable to perceive. Even should the riverman succeed in stopping the jam, the extraordinary expenses incidental to the defence and to the subsequent salvaging, untangling and sorting would more than eat up the profits of the drive. Orde would then be forced to ask for an extension of time on his notes.

On arriving in Monrovia, he drove to his own house. To Mallock he issued orders.

“Go to the office and tell them I am ill,” said he, “and then hunt up Mr. Heinzman, wherever he is, and tell him I want to see him immediately.”

He did not trouble to send word directly to Orde, up river; but left him to be informed by the slow process of filtration through the bookkeepers. The interim of several hours before Heinzman appeared he spent very comfortably in his easy chair, dipping into a small volume of Montaigne.

At length the German was announced. He entered rather red and breathless, obviously surprised to find Newmark at home.

“Dot was a terrible jam,” said he, mopping his brow and sinking into a chair. “I got lots of logs in it.”

Newmark dismissed the subject with an abrupt flip of his unlighted cigar.

“Heinzman,” said he, “in three weeks at the latest Orde will come to you asking for a renewal of the notes you hold against our firm. You must refuse to make such a renewal.”

“All righdt,” agreed Heinzman.

“He'll probably offer you higher interest. You must refuse that. Then when the notes are overdue you must begin suit in foreclosure.”

“All righdt,” repeated Heinzman a little restlessly. “Do you think he vill hold that jam?”

Newmark shrugged his shoulders swiftly.

“I got lots of logs in that jam. If that jam goes out I vill lose a heap of money.”

“Well, you'll make quite a heap on this deal,” said Newmark carelessly.

“Suppose he holds it,” said Heinzman, pausing. “I hate like the mischief to joomp on him.”

“Rot!” said Newmark decisively. “That's what he's there for.” He looked at the German sharply. “I suppose you know just how deep you're in this?”

“Oh, I ain't backing oudt,” negatived Heinzman. “Not a bit.”

“Well, then, you know what to do,” said Newmark, terminating the interview.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg