Just Folks


          If certain folks that I know well
          Should come to me their woes to tell
          I'd read the sorrow in their faces
          And I could analyze their cases.
          I watch some couples day by day
          Go madly on their selfish way
          Forever seeking happiness
          And always finding something less.
          If she whose face is fair to see,
          Yet lacks one charm that there should be,
          Should open wide her heart to-day
          I think I know what she would say.

          She'd tell me that his love seems cold
          And not the love she knew of old;
          That for the home they've built to share
          No longer does her husband care;
          That he seems happier away
          Than by her side, and every day
          That passes leaves them more apart;
          And then perhaps her tears would start
          And in a softened voice she'd add:
          "Sometimes I wonder, if we had
          A baby now to love, if he
          Would find so many faults in me?"

          And if he came to tell his woe
          Just what he'd say to me, I know:
          "There's something dismal in the place
          That always stares me in the face.
          I love her. She is good and sweet
          But still my joy is incomplete.
          And then it seems to me that she
          Can only see the faults in me.
          I wonder sometimes if we had
          A little girl or little lad,
          If life with all its fret and fuss
          Would then seem so monotonous?"

          And what I'd say to them I know.
          I'd bid them straightway forth to go
          And find that child and take him in
          And start the joy of life to win.
          You foolish, hungry souls, I'd say,
          You're living in a selfish way.
          A baby's arms stretched out to you
          Will give you something real to do.
          And though God has not sent one down
          To you, within this very town
          Somewhere a little baby lies
          That would bring gladness to your eyes.

          You cannot live this life for gold
          Or selfish joys. As you grow old
          You'll find that comfort only springs
          From living for the living things.
          And home must be a barren place
          That never knows a baby's face.
          Take in a child that needs your care,
          Give him your name and let him share
          Your happiness and you will own
          More joy than you have ever known,
          And, what is more, you'll come to feel
          That you are doing something real.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg