Just Folks

A Patriotic Creed

          To serve my country day by day
          At any humble post I may;
          To honor and respect her flag,
          To live the traits of which I brag;
          To be American in deed
          As well as in my printed creed.

          To stand for truth and honest toil,
          To till my little patch of soil,
          And keep in mind the debt I owe
          To them who died that I might know
          My country, prosperous and free,
          And passed this heritage to me.

          I always must in trouble's hour
          Be guided by the men in power;
          For God and country I must live,
          My best for God and country give;
          No act of mine that men may scan
          Must shame the name American.

          To do my best and play my part,
          American in mind and heart;
          To serve the flag and bravely stand
          To guard the glory of my land;
          To be American in deed:
          God grant me strength to keep this creed!

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg