Men, Women and Ghosts

The Red Lacquer Music-Stand

  A music-stand of crimson lacquer, long since brought
  In some fast clipper-ship from China, quaintly wrought
  With bossed and carven flowers and fruits in blackening gold,
  The slender shaft all twined about and thickly scrolled
  With vine leaves and young twisted tendrils, whirling, curling,
  Flinging their new shoots over the four wings, and swirling
  Out on the three wide feet in golden lumps and streams;
  Petals and apples in high relief, and where the seams
  Are worn with handling, through the polished crimson sheen,
  Long streaks of black, the under lacquer, shine out clean.
  Four desks, adjustable, to suit the heights of players
  Sitting to viols or standing up to sing, four layers
  Of music to serve every instrument, are there,
  And on the apex a large flat-topped golden pear.
  It burns in red and yellow, dusty, smouldering lights,
  When the sun flares the old barn-chamber with its flights
  And skips upon the crystal knobs of dim sideboards,
  Legless and mouldy, and hops, glint to glint, on hoards
  Of scythes, and spades, and dinner-horns, so the old tools
  Are little candles throwing brightness round in pools.
  With Oriental splendour, red and gold, the dust
  Covering its flames like smoke and thinning as a gust
  Of brighter sunshine makes the colours leap and range,
  The strange old music-stand seems to strike out and change;
  To stroke and tear the darkness with sharp golden claws;
  To dart a forked, vermilion tongue from open jaws;
  To puff out bitter smoke which chokes the sun; and fade
  Back to a still, faint outline obliterate in shade.
  Creeping up the ladder into the loft, the Boy
  Stands watching, very still, prickly and hot with joy.
  He sees the dusty sun-mote slit by streaks of red,
  He sees it split and stream, and all about his head
  Spikes and spears of gold are licking, pricking, flicking,
  Scratching against the walls and furniture, and nicking
  The darkness into sparks, chipping away the gloom.
  The Boy's nose smarts with the pungence in the room.
  The wind pushes an elm branch from before the door
  And the sun widens out all along the floor,
  Filling the barn-chamber with white, straightforward light,
  So not one blurred outline can tease the mind to fright.

    "O All ye Works of the Lord, Bless ye the Lord; Praise Him, and Magnify Him
      for ever.
    O let the Earth Bless the Lord; Yea, let it Praise Him, and Magnify Him
      for ever.
    O ye Mountains and Hills, Bless ye the Lord; Praise Him, and Magnify Him
      for ever.
    O All ye Green Things upon the Earth, Bless ye the Lord; Praise Him,
      and Magnify Him for ever."

  The Boy will praise his God on an altar builded fair,
  Will heap it with the Works of the Lord.  In the morning air,
  Spices shall burn on it, and by their pale smoke curled,
  Like shoots of all the Green Things, the God of this bright World
  Shall see the Boy's desire to pay his debt of praise.
  The Boy turns round about, seeking with careful gaze
  An altar meet and worthy, but each table and chair
  Has some defect, each piece is needing some repair
  To perfect it; the chairs have broken legs and backs,
  The tables are uneven, and every highboy lacks
  A handle or a drawer, the desks are bruised and worn,
  And even a wide sofa has its cane seat torn.
  Only in the gloom far in the corner there
  The lacquer music-stand is elegant and rare,
  Clear and slim of line, with its four wings outspread,
  The sound of old quartets, a tenuous, faint thread,
  Hanging and floating over it, it stands supreme—
  Black, and gold, and crimson, in one twisted scheme!

  A candle on the bookcase feels a draught and wavers,
  Stippling the white-washed walls with dancing shades and quavers.
  A bed-post, grown colossal, jigs about the ceiling,
  And shadows, strangely altered, stain the walls, revealing
  Eagles, and rabbits, and weird faces pulled awry,
  And hands which fetch and carry things incessantly.
  Under the Eastern window, where the morning sun
  Must touch it, stands the music-stand, and on each one
  Of its broad platforms is a pyramid of stones,
  And metals, and dried flowers, and pine and hemlock cones,
  An oriole's nest with the four eggs neatly blown,
  The rattle of a rattlesnake, and three large brown
  Butternuts uncracked, six butterflies impaled
  With a green luna moth, a snake-skin freshly scaled,
  Some sunflower seeds, wampum, and a bloody-tooth shell,
  A blue jay feather, all together piled pell-mell
  The stand will hold no more.  The Boy with humming head
  Looks once again, blows out the light, and creeps to bed.

  The Boy keeps solemn vigil, while outside the wind
  Blows gustily and clear, and slaps against the blind.
  He hardly tries to sleep, so sharp his ecstasy
  It burns his soul to emptiness, and sets it free
  For adoration only, for worship.  Dedicate,
  His unsheathed soul is naked in its novitiate.
  The hours strike below from the clock on the stair.
  The Boy is a white flame suspiring in prayer.
  Morning will bring the sun, the Golden Eye of Him
  Whose splendour must be veiled by starry cherubim,
  Whose Feet shimmer like crystal in the streets of Heaven.
  Like an open rose the sun will stand up even,
  Fronting the window-sill, and when the casement glows
  Rose-red with the new-blown morning, then the fire which flows
  From the sun will fall upon the altar and ignite
  The spices, and his sacrifice will burn in perfumed light.
  Over the music-stand the ghosts of sounds will swim,
  'Viols d'amore' and 'hautbois' accorded to a hymn.
  The Boy will see the faintest breath of angels' wings
  Fanning the smoke, and voices will flower through the strings.
  He dares no farther vision, and with scalding eyes
  Waits upon the daylight and his great emprise.

  The cold, grey light of dawn was whitening the wall
  When the Boy, fine-drawn by sleeplessness, started his ritual.
  He washed, all shivering and pointed like a flame.
  He threw the shutters open, and in the window-frame
  The morning glimmered like a tarnished Venice glass.
  He took his Chinese pastilles and put them in a mass
  Upon the mantelpiece till he could seek a plate
  Worthy to hold them burning.  Alas!  He had been late
  In thinking of this need, and now he could not find
  Platter or saucer rare enough to ease his mind.
  The house was not astir, and he dared not go down
  Into the barn-chamber, lest some door should be blown
  And slam before the draught he made as he went out.
  The light was growing yellower, and still he looked about.
  A flash of almost crimson from the gilded pear
  Upon the music-stand, startled him waiting there.
  The sun would rise and he would meet it unprepared,
  Labelled a fool in having missed what he had dared.
  He ran across the room, took his pastilles and laid
  Them on the flat-topped pear, most carefully displayed
  To light with ease, then stood a little to one side,
  Focussed a burning-glass and painstakingly tried
  To hold it angled so the bunched and prismed rays
  Should leap upon each other and spring into a blaze.
  Sharp as a wheeling edge of disked, carnation flame,
  Gem-hard and cutting upward, slowly the round sun came.
  The arrowed fire caught the burning-glass and glanced,
  Split to a multitude of pointed spears, and lanced,
  A deeper, hotter flame, it took the incense pile
  Which welcomed it and broke into a little smile
  Of yellow flamelets, creeping, crackling, thrusting up,
  A golden, red-slashed lily in a lacquer cup.

    "O ye Fire and Heat, Bless ye the Lord; Praise Him, and Magnify Him
      for ever.
    O ye Winter and Summer, Bless ye the Lord; Praise Him, and Magnify Him
      for ever.
    O ye Nights and Days, Bless ye the Lord; Praise Him, and Magnify Him
      for ever.
    O ye Lightnings and Clouds, Bless ye the Lord; Praise Him, and Magnify Him
      for ever."

  A moment so it hung, wide-curved, bright-petalled, seeming
  A chalice foamed with sunrise.  The Boy woke from his dreaming.
  A spike of flame had caught the card of butterflies,
  The oriole's nest took fire, soon all four galleries
  Where he had spread his treasures were become one tongue
  Of gleaming, brutal fire.  The Boy instantly swung
  His pitcher off the wash-stand and turned it upside down.
  The flames drooped back and sizzled, and all his senses grown
  Acute by fear, the Boy grabbed the quilt from his bed
  And flung it over all, and then with aching head
  He watched the early sunshine glint on the remains
  Of his holy offering.  The lacquer stand had stains
  Ugly and charred all over, and where the golden pear
  Had been, a deep, black hole gaped miserably.  His dear
  Treasures were puffs of ashes; only the stones were there,
  Winking in the brightness.
                              The clock upon the stair
  Struck five, and in the kitchen someone shook a grate.
  The Boy began to dress, for it was getting late.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg