Life and Letters of Robert Browning


[The Index is included only as a rough guide to what is in this book. The numbers in brackets indicate the number of index entries: as each reference, short or long, is counted as one, the numbers may be misleading if observed too closely.]

Abel, Mr. (musician) [1]
Adams, Mrs. Sarah Flower [2]
Albemarle, Lord [1]
Alford, Lady Marian [1]
Allingham, Mr. William [1]
American appreciation of Browning [1]
Ampere, M. [1]
Ancona [1]
Anderson, Mr. (actor) [1]
Arnold, Matthew [1]
Arnould, Mr. (afterwards Sir Joseph) [1]
Ashburton, Lady [1]
Asolo [4]
Associated Societies of Edinburgh, the [1]
Athenaeum, the (review of 'Pauline') [2]
Audierne (Finisterre, Brittany) [1]
Azeglio, Massimo d' [1]

Balzac's works, the Brownings' admiration of [2]
Barrett, Miss Arabel [4]
Barrett, Miss Henrietta (afterwards Mrs. Surtees Cook [Altham]) [2]
Barrett, Mr. (the poet's father-in-law) [3]
Barrett, Mr. Laurence (actor) [1]
Bartoli's 'De' Simboli trasportati al Morale' [1]
Benckhausen, Mr. (Russian consul-general) [1]
Benzon, Mr. Ernest [1]
Beranger, M. [2]
Berdoe, Dr. Edward:  his paper on 'Paracelsus, the Reformer of Medicine' [1]
Biarritz [1]
Blackwood's Magazine (on 'A Blot in the 'Scutcheon') [1]
Blagden, Miss Isa [5]
Blundell, Dr. (physician) [1]
Boyle, Dean (Salisbury) [1]
Boyle, Miss (niece of the Earl of Cork) [2]
Bridell-Fox, Mrs. [3]
Bronson, Mrs. Arthur [5]
Browning, Robert (grandfather of the poet):  account of his life,
  two marriages, and two families [1]
Browning, Mrs. (step-grandmother of the poet) [2]
Browning, Robert (father of the poet):  marriage;
  clerk in the Bank of England; comparison between him and his son;
  scholarly and artistic tastes; simplicity and genuineness of his character;
  his strong health; Mr. Locker-Lampson's account of him;
  his religious opinions; renewed relations with his father's widow
  and second family; death [10]
Browning, Mrs. (the poet's mother):  her family; her nervous temperament
  transmitted to her son; her death [3]
Browning, Mr. Reuben (the poet's uncle),
  (incl. Lord Beaconsfield's appreciation of his Latinity) [2]
Browning, Mr. William Shergold (the poet's uncle),
  (incl. his literary work) [2]
Browning, Miss Jemima (the poet's aunt) [1]
Browning, Miss (the poet's sister),
  (incl. comes to live with her brother) [16]
Browning, Robert:  1812-33--the notion of his Jewish extraction disproved;
  his family anciently established in Dorsetshire; his carelessness
  as to genealogical record; account of his grandfather's life
  and second marriage; his father's unhappy youth; his paternal grandmother;
  his father's position; comparison of father and son;
  the father's use of grotesque rhymes in teaching him;
  qualities he inherited from his mother; weak points in regard to health
  throughout his life; characteristics in early childhood;
  great quickness in learning; an amusing prank; passion for his mother;
  fondness for animals; his collections; experiences of school life;
  extensive reading in his father's library; early acquaintance
  with old books; his early attempts in verse; spurious poems in circulation;
  'Incondita', the production of the twelve-year-old poet;
  introduction to Mr. Fox; his boyish love and lasting affection
  for Miss Flower; first acquaintance with Shelley's and Keats' works;
  his admiration for Shelley; home education under masters,
  his manly accomplishments; his studies chiefly literary; love of home;
  associates of his youth:  Arnould and Domett; the Silverthornes;
  his choice of poetry as a profession; other possible professions considered;
  admiration for good acting; his father's support in his literary career;
  reads and digests Johnson's Dictionary by way of preparation [37]
Browning, Robert:  1833-35--publication of 'Pauline';
  correspondence with Mr. Fox; the poet's later opinion of it;
  characteristics of the poem; Mr. Fox's review of it; other notices;
  Browning's visit to Russia; contributions to the 'Monthly Repository':
  his first sonnet; the 'Trifler' (amateur periodical);
  a comic defence of debt; preparing to publish 'Paracelsus'; friendship with
  Count de Ripert-Monclar; Browning's treatment of 'Paracelsus';
  the original Preface; John Forster's article on it in the 'Examiner' [16]
Browning, Robert:  1835-38--removal of the family to Hatcham;
  renewed intimacy with his grandfather's second family;
  friendly relations with Carlyle; recognition by men of the day;
  introduction to Macready; first meeting with Forster;
  Miss Euphrasia Fanny Haworth; at the 'Ion' supper; prospects of 'Strafford';
  its production and reception; a personal description of him at this period;
  Mr. John Robertson and the 'Westminster Review' [11]
Browning, Robert:  1838-44--first Italian journey; a striking experience
  of the voyage; preparations for writing other tragedies;
  meeting with Mr. John Kenyon; appearance of 'Sordello';
  mental developments; 'Pippa Passes'; Alfred Domett on the critics;
  'Bells and Pomegranates'; explanation of its title.
  List of the poems; 'A Blot in the 'Scutcheon', written for Macready;
  Browning's later account and discussion of the breach between him
  and Macready; 'Colombe's Birthday'; other dramas; The 'Dramatic Lyrics';
  'The Lost Leader'; Browning's life before his second Italian journey;
  in Naples; visit to Mr. Trelawney at Leghorn [19]
Browning, Robert:  1844-55--introduction to Miss Barrett;
  his admiration for her poetry; his proposal to her;
  reasons for concealing the engagement; their marriage; journey to Italy;
  life at Pisa; Florence; Browning's request for appointment
  on a British mission to the Vatican; settling in Casa Guidi;
  Fano and Ancona; 'A Blot in the 'Scutcheon' at Sadler's Wells;
  birth of Browning's son, and death of his mother; wanderings in Italy:
  the Baths of Lucca; Venice; friendship with Margaret Fuller Ossoli;
  winter in Paris; Carlyle; George Sand.  Close friendship
  with M. Joseph Milsand; Milsand's appreciation of Browning;
  new edition of Browning's poems; 'Christmas Eve and Easter Day';
  the Essay on Shelley; summer in London; introduction to Dante G. Rossetti;
  again in Florence; production of 'Colombe's Birthday' (1853);
  again at Lucca, Mr. and Mrs. W. Story; first winter in Rome; the Kembles;
  again in London (1855):  Tennyson, Ruskin [32]
Browning, Robert:  1855-61--publication of 'Men and Women';
  'Karshook'; 'Two in the Campagna'; another winter in Paris:  Lady Elgin;
  legacies to the Brownings from Mr. Kenyon; Mr. Browning's little son;
  a carnival masquerade; Spiritualism; 'Sludge the Medium';
  Count Ginnasi's clairvoyance; at Siena; Walter Savage Landor;
  illness of Mrs. Browning; American appreciation of Browning's works;
  his social life in Rome; last winter in Rome; Madame du Quaire;
  Mrs. Browning's illness and death; the comet of 1861 [18]
Browning, Robert:  1861-69--Miss Blagden's helpful sympathy;
  journey to England; feeling in regard to funeral ceremonies;
  established in London with his son; Miss Arabel Barrett;
  visit to Biarritz; origin of 'The Ring and the Book';
  his views as to the publication of letters; new edition of his works,
  selection of poems.  Residence at Pornic; a meeting at Mr. F. Palgrave's;
  his literary position in 1865; his own estimate of it;
  death of his father; with his sister at Le Croisic;
  Academic honours:  letter to the Master of Balliol (Dr. Scott);
  curious circumstance connected with the death of Miss A. Barrett;
  at Audierne; the uniform edition of his works; publication of
  'The Ring and the Book'; inspiration of Pompilia [21]
Browning, Robert:  1869-73--'Helen's Tower'; at St.-Aubin;
  escape from France during the war (1870); publication of
  'Balaustion's Adventure' and 'Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau';
  'Herve Riel' sold for the benefit of French sufferers by the war;
  'Fifine at the Fair'; mistaken theories of that work;
  'Red Cotton Nightcap Country' [8]
Browning, Robert:  1873-78--his manner of life in London;
  his love of music; friendship with Miss Egerton-Smith;
  summers spent at Mers, Villers, Isle of Arran, and La Saisiaz;
  'Aristophanes' Apology'; 'Pacchiarotto', 'The Inn Album',
  the translation of the 'Agamemnon'; description of a visit to Oxford;
  visit to Cambridge; offered the Rectorships of the Universities
  of Glasgow and St. Andrews; description of La Saisiaz;
  sudden death of Miss Egerton-Smith; the poem 'La Saisiaz':
  Browning's position towards Christianity; 'The Two Poets of Croisic',
  and Selections from his Works [13]
Browning, Robert:  1878-81--he revisits Italy; Spluegen;
  Asolo; Venice; favourite Alpine retreats; friendly relations
  with Mrs. Arthur Bronson; life in Venice; a tragedy at Saint-Pierre;
  the first series of 'Dramatic Idyls'; the second series,
  'Jocoseria', and 'Ferishtah's Fancies' [10]
Browning, Robert:  1881-87--the Browning Society; Browning's attitude
  in regard to it; similar societies in England and America;
  wide diffusion of Browning's works in America; lines for the gravestone
  of Mr. Levi Thaxter; President of the New Shakspere Society,
  and member of the Wordsworth Society; Honorary President of
  the Associated Societies of Edinburgh; appreciation of his works in Italy;
  sonnet to Goldoni; attempt to purchase the Palazzo Manzoni, Venice;
  Saint-Moritz; Mrs. Bloomfield Moore; at Llangollen; loss of old friends;
  Foreign Correspondent to the Royal Academy; publication of 'Parleyings' [15]
Browning, Robert:  his character--constancy in friendship;
  optimism and belief in a direct Providence; political principles;
  character of his friendships; attitude towards his reviewers
  and his readers; attitude towards his works; his method of work;
  study of Spanish, Hebrew, and German; conversational powers
  and the stores of his memory; nervous peculiarities; his innate kindliness;
  attitude towards women; final views on the Women's Suffrage question [13]
Browning, Robert:  his last years--marriage of his son;
  his change of abode; symptoms of declining strength;
  new poems, and revision of the old; journey to Italy:  Primiero and Venice;
  last winter in England:  visit to Balliol College;
  last visit to Italy:  Asolo once more; proposed purchase of land there;
  the 'Lines to Edward Fitzgerald'; with his son at Palazzo Rezzonico;
  last illness; death; funeral honours in Italy; 'Asolando' published
  on the day of his death; his burial in Westminster Abbey;
  the purport and tendency of his work [16]
Browning, Robert:  letters to--   Bainton, Mr. George (Coventry) [1]
   Blagden, Miss Isa [12]
   Fitz-Gerald, Mrs. [8]
   Flower, Miss [2]
   Fox, Mr. [4]
   Haworth, Miss E. F. [3]
   Hickey, Miss E. H. [1]
   Hill, Mr. Frank (editor of the 'Daily News') [2]
   Hill, Mrs. Frank [1]
   Keep, Miss [3]
   Knight, Professor (St. Andrews) [5]
   Lee, Miss (Maidstone) [1]
   Leighton, Mr. (afterwards Sir Frederic) [4]
   Martin, Mrs. Theodore (afterwards Lady) [2]
   Moulton-Barrett, Mr. G. [2]
   Quaire, Madame du [1]
   Robertson, Mr. John (editor of 'Westminster Review', 1838) [1]
   Scott, Rev. Dr. [1]
   Skirrow, Mrs. Charles [4]
   Smith, Mr. G. M. [3]
Browning, Robert:  Works of--   'A Blot in the 'Scutcheon' [2]
   'A Death in the Desert' [2]
   'Agamemnon' [1]
   'Andrea del Sarto' [1]
   'Aristophanes' Apology' [1]
   'Artemis Prologuizes' [1]
   'Asolando' [5]
   'At the Mermaid' [2]
   'A Woman's Last Word' [1]
   'Bad Dreams' [1]
   'Balaustion's Adventure' [3]
   'Bean Stripes' [1]
   'Beatrice Signorini' [1]
   'Bells and Pomegranates' (incl. meaning of the title,
     and list of the dramas and poems) [7]
   'Ben Karshook's Wisdom' [1]
   'Bishop Blougram' [1]
   'By the Fireside' [1]
   'Childe Roland' [1]
   'Christmas Eve and Easter Day' [2]
   'Cleon' [1]
   'Colombe's Birthday' [4]
   'Crescentius, the Pope's Legate' [1]
   'Cristina' [1]
   'Dramatic Idyls' [4]
   'Dramatic Lyrics' [1]
   'Dramatis Personae' [5]
   'Essay on Shelley' [1]
   'Ferishtah's Fancies' [2]
   'Fifine at the Fair' [2]
   'Flute-Music' [1]
   'Goldoni', sonnet to [1]
   'Helen's Tower' (sonnet) [1]
   'Herve Riel' (ballad) [2]
   'Home Thoughts from the Sea' [1]
   'How they brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix' [1]
   'In a Balcony' [2]
   'In a Gondola' [2]
   'Ivan Ivanovitch' [3]
   'James Lee's Wife' [3]
   'Jocoseria' [1]
   'Johannes Agricola in Meditation' [1]
   'King Victor and King Charles' [3]
   'La Saisiaz' [4]
   'Luria' [1]
   'Madhouse Cells' [1]
   'Martin Relph' [1]
   'May and Death' [1]
   'Men and Women' [3]
   'Ned Bratts' [1]
   'Numpholeptos' [1]
   'One Word More' [2]
   'Pacchiarotto' [3]
   'Paracelsus' [8]
   'Parleyings' [2]
   'Pauline' [10]
   'Pippa Passes' (incl. the Preface to) [5]
   'Ponte dell' Angelo' [1]
   'Porphyria's Lover' [1]
   'Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau' [3]
   'Red Cotton Nightcap Country' [3]
   'Rosny' [1]
   'Saint Martin's Summer' [1]
   'Saul' [1]
   'Sludge the Medium' [2]
   'Sordello' [7]
   'Strafford' [3]
   'The Epistle of Karshish' [1]
   'The Flight of the Duchess' [1]
   'The Inn Album' [3]
   'The Lost Leader' [1]
   'The Pied Piper of Hamelin' [1]
   'The Return of the Druses' [3]
   'The Ring and the Book' [3]
   'The Two Poets of Croisic' [2]
   'The Worst of It' [1]
   'Two in the Campagna' [1]
   'White Witchcraft' [1]
   'Why I am a Liberal' (sonnet) [2]
   'Women and Roses' [1]
Browning, Mrs. (the poet's wife:  Elizabeth Barrett Moulton-Barrett):
  Browning's introduction to her; her ill health;
  the reasons for their secret marriage; causes of her ill health;
  happiness of her married life; estrangement from her father;
  her visit to Mrs. Theodore Martin; 'Aurora Leigh':  her methods of work;
  a legacy from Mr. Kenyon; her feeling about Spiritualism;
  success of 'Aurora Leigh'; her sister's illness and death;
  her own death; proposed reinterment in Westminster Abbey [14]
Browning, Mrs.:  extracts from her letters--on her husband's devotion;
  life in Pisa, and on French literature; Vallombrosa; their acquaintances
  in Florence; their dwelling in Piazza Pitti; 'Father Prout's' cure
  for a sore throat; apartments in the Casa Guidi; visits to Fano and Ancona;
  Phelps's production of 'A Blot in the 'Scutcheon';
  birth of her son; the effect of his mother's death on her husband;
  wanderings in northern Italy; the neighbourhood of Lucca;
  Venice; life in Paris (1851); esteem for her husband's family;
  description of George Sand; the personal appearance of that lady;
  her impression of M. Joseph Milsand; the first performance
  of 'Colombe's Birthday' (1853); Rome:  death in the Story family;
  Mrs. Sartoris and the Kembles; society in Rome; a visit to Mr. Ruskin;
  about 'Penini'; description of a carnival masquerade (Florence, 1857);
  impressions of Landor; tribute to the unselfish character
  of her father-in-law; on her husband's work; on the contrast
  of his (then) appreciation in England and America;
  Massimo d' Azeglio; on her sister Henrietta (Mrs. Surtees Cook);
  on the death of Count Cavour [34]
Browning, Mr. Robert Wiedemann Barrett (the poet's son):  his birth;
  incidents of his childhood; his pet-name--Penini, Peni, Pen;
  in charge of Miss Isa Blagden on his mother's death;
  taken to England by his father; manner of his education;
  studying art in Antwerp; with his father in Venice (1885); his marriage;
  purchase of the Rezzonico Palace (Venice); death of his father there [14]
Browning, Mrs. R. Barrett [2]
Browning, Mr. Robert Jardine (Crown Prosecutor in New South Wales) [1]
Browning Society, the:  its establishment [1]
Brownlow, Lord [1]
Bruce, Lady Augusta [1]
Bruce, Lady Charlotte (wife of Mr. F. Locker) [1]
Buckstone, Mr. (actor) [1]
Buloz, M. [1]
Burne Jones, Mr. [2]
Burns, Major (son of the poet) [1]

Californian Railway time-table edition of Browning's poems [1]
Cambo [1]
Cambridge, Browning's visit to [1]
Campbell Dykes, Mr. J. [6]
Carducci, Countess (Rome) [1]
Carlyle, Mr. Thomas [6]
Carlyle, Mrs. Thomas (incl. anecdote) [2]
Carnarvon, Lord [1]
Carnival masquerade, a [1]
Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. (of Aynhoe) [3]
Casa Guidi (Browning's residence at Florence) [2]
Cattermole, Mr. [1]
Cavour, Count, death of [1]
Channel, Mr. (afterwards Sir William), and Frank [1]
Chapman & Hall, Messrs. (publishers) [2]
Cholmondeley, Mr. (Condover) [3]
Chorley, Mr. [1]
Cini, Dr. (Venice) [1]
Clairvoyance, an instance of [1]
Coddington, Miss Fannie (afterwards Mrs. R. Barrett Browning) [1]
Colvin, Mr. Sidney [1]
Corkran, Mrs. Fraser [2]
Cornaro, Catharine [3]
Cornhill Magazine:  why 'Herve Riel' appeared in it [2]
Corson, Professor [1]
Crosse, Mrs. Andrew [1]
'Croxall's Fables', Browning's early fondness for [1]
Curtis, Mr. [1]

Dale, Mr. (actor) [1]
Davidson, Captain (of the 'Norham Castle', 1838) [2]
Davies, Rev. Llewellyn [1]
Debt, Browning's mock defence of (in the 'Trifler') [1]
Dickens, Charles [5]
Domett, Alfred (incl. 'On a certain Critique of Pippa Passes') [3]
Dourlans, M. Gustave [1]
Doyle, Sir Francis H. [1]
Dufferin, Lord [1]
Dulwich Gallery [1]

Eclectic Review, the (review of Browning's works) [1]
Eden, Mr. Frederic [1]
Egerton-Smith, Miss [2]
Elgin, Lady [3]
Elstree (Macready's residence) [2]
Elton, Mr. (actor) [1]
Engadine, the [2]
Examiner (review of 'Paracelsus') [1]

Fano [1]
'Father Prout' (Mr. Mahoney) [1]
Faucit, Miss Helen--as Lady Carlisle in 'Strafford'; as Mildred
  in 'A Blot in the 'Scutcheon'; as Colombe in 'Colombe's Birthday' [3]
Fiori, Margherita (Browning's nurse) [1]
Fisher, Mr. (artist) [1]
Fitzgerald, Mr. Edward [1]
Fitz-Gerald, Mrs. [1]
Florence [6]
Flower, Miss [5]
Flower, Mr. Benjamin (editor of the 'Cambridge Intelligencer') [1]
Fontainebleau [1]
Forster, Mr. John [11]
Fortia, Marquis de [1]
Fox, Miss Caroline [1]
Fox, Miss Sarah [1]
Fox, Mr. W. J. (incl. election for Oldham) [10]
Furnivall, Dr. [5]

Gaisford, Mr., and Lady Alice [1]
Galuppi, Baldassaro [1]
Gibraltar [1]
Ginnasi, Count (Ravenna) [1]
Giustiniani-Recanati, Palazzo (Venice) [1]
Gladstone, Mr. [1]
Glasgow, University of [1]
Goldoni, Browning's sonnet to [1]
Goltz, M. (Austrian Minister at Rome) [1]
Gosse's 'Personalia' [4]
Green, Mr. [1]
Gressoney Saint-Jean [1]
Guerande (Brittany) [1]
Guidi Palace (Casa Guidi) [1]
Gurney, Rev. Archer [1]

Hanmer, Sir John (afterwards Lord Hanmer) [1]
Haworth, Miss Euphrasia Fanny [2]
Haworth, Mr. Frederick [1]
Hawthorne, Nathaniel [1]
Hazlitt, Mr. [1]
Heyermans, M. (artist; Antwerp) [1]
Hickey, Miss E. H. [2]
Hill, Mr. Frank (editor of the 'Daily News', 1884) [1]
Hood, Mr. Thomas [1]
Horne, Mr. [1]
Hugo, Victor [1]

Ion, the Ion supper [1]

Jameson, Mrs. Anna [1]
Jebb-Dyke, Mrs. [1]
Jerningham, Miss [1]
Jersey [1]
Jewsbury, Miss Geraldine [1]
Joachim, Professor [1]
Jones, Mr. Edward Burne [1]
Jones, Rev. Thomas [1]
Jowett, Dr. [3]

Kean, Mr. Edmund [1]
Keats [1]
Keepsake, The [1]
Kemble, Mrs. Fanny [1]
Kenyon, Mr. John [5]
King, Mr. Joseph [1]
Kirkup, Mr. [2]
Knight, Professor (St. Andrews) [2]

Lamartine, M. de [1]
Lamb, Charles [1]
Landor, Walter Savage [5]
La Saisiaz [2]
Layard, Sir Henry and Lady [2]
Le Croisic (Brittany) [1]
Leigh Hunt [1]
Leighton, Mr. (afterwards Sir Frederic) [2]
'Les Charmettes' (Chambery:  Rousseau's residence) [1]
Le Strange, Mrs. Guy [1]
Lewis, Miss (Harpton) [1]
Literary Gazette (review of 'Pauline') [1]
Literary World, the Boston, U.S. (on 'Colombe's Birthday') [1]
Llangollen [2]
Llantysilio Church [1]
Lloyd, Captain [1]
Locker, Mr. F. (now Mr. Locker-Lampson) [2]
Lockhart [1]
Lucca [4]
Lyons, Mr. (son of Sir Edmund) [1]
Lytton, Mr. (now Lord) [3]

Maclise, Mr. (artist) [2]
Macready, Mr. [5]
Macready, Willy (eldest son of the actor):  his illustrations
  to the 'Pied Piper' [1]
Mahoney, Rev. Francis ('Father Prout') [1]
Manning, Rev. Dr. (afterwards Cardinal) [1]
Manzoni Palace (Venice) [1]
Martin, Lady [3]
Martin, Sir Theodore [1]
Martineau, Miss [4]
Mazzini, Signor [1]
Melvill, Rev. H. (afterwards Canon) [2]
Meredith, Mr. George [1]
Mill, Mr. J. S. [3]
Milnes, Mr. Monckton (afterwards Lord Houghton) [4]
Milsand, M. Joseph [4]
Minich, Dr. (Venice) [1]
Mitford, Miss [3]
Mocenigo, Countess (Venice) [1]
Mohl, Madame [2]
Monthly Repository (incl. Browning's contributions to) [4]
Moore, Mrs. Bloomfield [2]
Morgan, Lady [1]
Morison, Mr. James Cotter [1]
Mortimer, Mr. [2]
Moulton-Barrett, Mr. George [3]
Moxon, Mr. (publisher) [4]
Murray, Miss Alma (actress) [1]
Musset, Alfred and Paul de [1]

Naples [1]
National Magazine, the:  Mrs. Browning's portrait in (1859) [1]
Nencioni, Professor (Florence) [1]
Nettleship, Mr. J. T. [1]
New Shakspere Society [1]
Noel, Mr. Roden [1]

Ogle, Dr. John [1]
Ogle, Miss (author of 'A Lost Love') [1]
Osbaldistone, Mr. (manager of Covent Garden Theatre, 1836) [1]
Ossoli, Countess Margaret Fuller [1]
Oxford (incl. Browning's visit to, 1877) [2]

Palgrave, Mr. Francis [1]
Palgrave, Mr. Reginald [1]
Paris [2]
Patterson, Monsignor [1]
Phelps, Mr. (actor) [3]
Pirate-ship, wreck of [1]
Pisa [1]
Poetical contest, a Roman [1]
Pollock, Sir Frederick (1843) [1]
Pornic [2]
Powell, Mr. Thomas [2]
Power, Miss (editor of 'The Keepsake') [1]
Powers, Mr. (American sculptor) [1]
Primiero [1]
Prinsep, Mr. Val [6]
Pritchard, Captain [1]
Procter, Mr. Bryan Waller (Barry Cornwall) [4]

Quaire, Madame du [2]
Quarles' Emblemes [1]

Ravenna [1]
Ready, the two Misses, preparatory school [3]
Ready, Rev. Thomas (Browning's first schoolmaster) [2]
Regan, Miss [1]
Reid, Mr. Andrew [1]
Relfe, Mr. John (musician) [1]
Rezzonico Palace (Venice), the [2]
Richmond, Rev. Thomas [1]
Ripert-Monclar, Count de [4]
Robertson, Mr. John (editor of 'Westminster Review', 1838) [1]
Robinson, Miss Mary (now Mrs. James Darmesteter) [1]
Rome [2]
Rossetti, Mr. Dante Gabriel (incl. death of his wife) [4]
Ruskin, Mr. [1]
Russell, Lady William [1]
Russell, Mr. Odo (afterwards Lord Ampthill) [2]

Sabatier, Madame [1]
Saleve, the [2]
Sand, George [2]
Sartoris, Mrs. [4]
Saunders & Otley, Messrs. [2]
Scott, Rev. Dr. (Master of Balliol, 1867) [1]
Scotti, Mr. [1]
Scottish Art Review, the, Mr. Mortimer's 'Note on Browning' in [1]
Seraverra [1]
Sharp, Mr. [4]
Shelley (incl. Browning's Essay on; his grave) [4]
Shrewsbury, Lord [1]
Sidgwick, Mr. A. [1]
Siena [2]
Silverthorne, Mrs. [2]
Simeon, Sir John [1]
Smith, Miss (second wife of the poet's grandfather) [1]
Smith, Mr. George Murray [1]
Southey [1]
Spezzia [1]
Spiritualism (incl. a pretending medium) [2]
Spluegen [1]
St. Andrews University [1]
St.-Aubin (M. Milsand's residence) [2]
St.-Enogat (near Dinard) [1]
St.-Pierre la Chartreuse (incl. a tragic occurrence there) [2]
Stanley, Dean [1]
Stanley, Lady Augusta [1]
Stendhal, Henri [2]
Sterling, Mr. John [1]
Stirling, Mrs. (actress) [1]
Story, Mr. and Mrs. William [7]
Sturtevant, Miss [1]
Sue, Eugene [1]

Tablets, Memorial [3]
Tait's Magazine [1]
Talfourd, Serjeant [3]
Taylor, Sir Henry [1]
Tennyson, Mr. Alfred (afterwards Lord Tennyson) [2]
Tennyson, Mr. Frederick [1]
Thackeray, Miss Annie [1]
Thackeray, Mr. W. M. [2]
Thaxter, Mrs. (Celia) (Boston, U.S.) [1]
Thaxter, Mr. Levi (Boston, U.S.) [1]
Thomson, Mr. James:  his application of the term 'Gothic'
  to Browning's work [1]
Tittle, Miss Margaret [1]
Trelawney, Mr. E. J. (1844) [1]
Trifler, The (amateur magazine) [1]
True Sun, the (review of 'Strafford') [1]

Universo, Hotel dell' (Venice) [1]

Vallombrosa [1]
Venice [6]
Vigna, Dr. da (Venice) [1]

Wagner [1]
Warburton, Mr. Eliot [1]
Watts, Dr. [1]
Westminster, Dean of [2]
Widman, Counts [1]
Wiedemann, Mr. William [1]
Williams, Rev. J. D. W. (vicar of Bottisham, Cambs.) [1]
Wilson (Mrs. Browning's maid) [6]
Wilson, Mr. Effingham (publisher) [1]
Wiseman, Mrs. (mother of Cardinal Wiseman) [1]
Wolseley, Lady [1]
Wolseley, Lord [1]
Woolner, Mr. [1]
Wordsworth [3]
Wordsworth Society, the [2]

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg