Heimskringla; Or, The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway


There was a young and poor man called Kolbein; and Thora, King Sigurd the Crusader's mother, had ordered his tongue to be cut out of his mouth, and for no other cause than that this young man had taken a piece of meat out of the king-mother's tub which he said the cook had given him, and which the cook had not ventured to serve up to her. The man had long gone about speechless. So says Einar Skulason in Olaf's ballad:—

     "The proud rich dame, for little cause,
     Had the lad's tongue cut from his jaws:
     The helpless man, of speech deprived,
     His dreadful sore wound scarce survived.
     A few weeks since at Hild was seen,
     As well as ever he had been,
     The same poor lad—to speech restored
     By Olaf's power, whom he adored."

Afterwards the young man came to Nidaros, and watched in the Christ church; but at the second mass for Olaf before matins he fell asleep, and thought he saw King Olaf the Saint coming to him; and that Olaf talked to him, and took hold with his hands of the stump of his tongue and pulled it. Now when he awoke he found himself restored, and joyfully did he thank our Lord and the holy Saint Olaf, who had pitied and helped him; for he had come there speechless, and had gone to the holy shrine, and went away cured, and with his speech clear and distinct.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg