Heimskringla; Or, The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway


William was proclaimed king of England. He sent a message to Earl Valthiof that they should be reconciled, and gave him assurance of safety to come to the place of meeting. The earl set out with a few men; but when he came to a heath north of Kastala-bryggia, there met him two officers of King William, with many followers, who took him prisoner, put him in fetters, and afterwards he was beheaded; and the English call him a saint. Thorkel tells of this:—

     "William came o'er the sea,
     With bloody sword came he:
     Cold heart and bloody hand
     Now rule the English land.
     Earl Valthiof he slew,—
     Valthiof the brave and true.
     Cold heart and bloody hand
     Now rule the English land."

William was after this king of England for twenty-one years, and his descendants have been so ever since.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg