Heimskringla; Or, The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway


King Harald during this winter called out a general levy of all the people of Norway, and assembled a great force towards spring. Then Harald had his great ship drawn down and put into the river Nid, and set up the dragon's head on her. Thiodolf, the skald, sang about it thus:—

     "My lovely girl!  the sight was grand
     When the great war-ships down the strand
     Into the river gently slid,
     And all below her sides was hid.
     Come, lovely girl, and see the show!—
     Her sides that on the water glow,
     Her serpent-head with golden mane,
     All shining back from the Nid again."

Then King Harald rigged out his ship, got ready for sea, and when he had all in order went out of the river. His men rowed very skilfully and beautifully. So says Thiodolf:—

     "It was upon a Saturday,
     Ship-tilts were struck and stowed away,
     And past the town our dragon glides,
     That girls might see our glancing sides.
     Out from the Nid brave Harald steers;
     Westward at first the dragon veers;
     Our lads together down with oars,
     The splash is echoed round the shores.

     "Their oars our king's men handle well,
     One stroke is all the eye can tell:
     All level o'er the water rise;
     The girls look on in sweet surprise.
     Such things, they think, can ne'er give way;
     The little know the battle day.
     The Danish girls, who dread our shout,
     Might wish our ship-gear not so stout.

     "'Tis in the fight, not on the wave,
     That oars may break and fail the brave.
     At sea, beneath the ice-cold sky,
     Safely our oars o'er ocean ply;
     And when at Throndhjem's holy stream
     Our seventy cars in distance gleam,
     We seem, while rowing from the sea,
     An erne with iron wings to be."

King Harald sailed south along the land, and called out the levy everywhere of men and ships. When they came east to Viken they got a strong wind against them and the forces lay dispersed about in the harbour; some in the isles outside, and some in the fjords. So says Thiodolf:—

     "The cutters' sea-bleached bows scarce find
     A shelter from the furious wind
     Under the inland forests' side,
     Where the fjord runs its farthest tide.
     In all the isles and creeks around
     The bondes' ships lie on the ground,
     And ships with gunwales hung with shields
     Seek the lee-side of the green fields."

In the heavy storm that raged for some time the great ship had need of good ground tackle. So says Thiodolf:—

     "With lofty bow above the seas,
     Which curl and fly before the breeze,
     The gallant vessel rides and reels,
     And every plunge her cable feels.
     The storm that tries the spar and mast
     Tries the main-anchor at the last:
     The storm above, below the rock,
     Chafe the thick cable with each shock."

When the weather became favourable King Harald sailed eastwards to the Gaut river with his fleet and arrived there in the evening. So says Thiodolf:—

     "The gallant Harald now has come
     To Gaut, full half way from his home,
     And on the river frontier stands,
     To fight with Svein for life and lands.
     The night passed o'er, the gallant king
     Next day at Thumia calls a Thing,
     Where Svein is challenged to appear—
     A day which ravens wish were near."

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg