Heimskringla; Or, The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway


The spring after (A.D. 1031) Harald and Ragnvald got ships, and went east in summer to Russia to King Jarisleif, and were with him all the following winter. So says the skald Bolverk:—

     "The king's sharp sword lies clean and bright,
     Prepared in foreign lands to fight:
     Our ravens croak to have their fill,
     The wolf howls from the distant hill.
     Our brave king is to Russia gone,—
     Braver than he on earth there's none;
     His sharp sword will carve many feast
     To wolf and raven in the East."

King Jarisleif gave Harald and Ragnvald a kind reception, and made Harald and Ellif, the son of Earl Ragnvald, chiefs over the land-defence men of the king. So says Thiodolf:—

     "Where Ellif was, one heart and hand
     The two chiefs had in their command;
     In wedge or line their battle order
     Was ranged by both without disorder.
     The eastern Vindland men they drove
     Into a corner; and they move
     The Lesians, although ill at ease,
     To take the laws their conquerors please."

Harald remained several years in Russia, and travelled far and wide in the Eastern land. Then he began his expedition out to Greece, and had a great suite of men with him; and on he went to Constantinople. So says Bolverk:—

     "Before the cold sea-curling blast
     The cutter from the land flew past,
     Her black yards swinging to and fro,
     Her shield-hung gunwale dipping low.
     The king saw glancing o'er the bow
     Constantinople's metal glow
     From tower and roof, and painted sails
     Gliding past towns and wooded vales."

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg