Heimskringla; Or, The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway


When King Magnus had subdued Scania he turned about, and first went to Falster, where he landed, plundered, and killed many people who had before submitted to Svein. Arnor speaks of this:—

     "A bloody vengeance for their guile
     King Magnus takes on Falster Isle;
     The treacherous Danes his fury feel,
     And fall before his purpled steel.
     The battle-field is covered o'er,
     With eagle's prey from shore to shore;
     And the king's courtmen were the first
     To quench with blood the raven's thirst."

Thereafter Magnus with his fleet proceeded to the isle of Fyen, went on land, plundered, and made great devastation. So says Arnor, the earls' skald:—

     "To fair Fiona's grassy shore
     His banner now again he bore:
     He who the mail-shirt's linked chains
     Severs, and all its lustre stains,—
     He will be long remembered there,
     The warrior in his twentieth year,
     Whom their black ravens from afar
     Saluted as he went to war."

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg