Heimskringla; Or, The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway


Halfdan Haleg came very unexpectedly to Orkney, and Earl Einar immediately fled; but came back soon after about harvest time, unnoticed by Halfdan. They met and after a short battle Halfdan fled the same night. Einar and his men lay all night without tents, and when it was light in the morning they searched the whole island and killed every man they could lay hold of. Then Einar said "What is that I see upon the isle of Rinansey? Is it a man or a bird? Sometimes it raises itself up, and sometimes lies down again." They went to it, and found it was Halfdan Haleg, and took him prisoner.

Earl Einar sang the following song the evening before he went into this battle:—

     "Where is the spear of Hrollaug?  where
     Is stout Rolf Ganger's bloody spear!
     I see them not; yet never fear,
     For Einar will not vengeance spare
     Against his father's murderers, though
     Hrollaug and Rolf are somewhat slow,
     And silent Thorer sits add dreams
     At home, beside the mead-bowl's streams."

Thereafter Earl Einar went up to Halfdan, and cut a spread eagle upon his back, by striking his sword through his back into his belly, dividing his ribs from the backbone down to his loins, and tearing out his lungs; and so Halfdan was killed. Einar then sang:—

     "For Ragnvald's death my sword is red:
     Of vengeance it cannot be said
     That Einar's share is left unsped.
     So now, brave boys, let's raise a mound,—
     Heap stones and gravel on the ground
     O'er Halfdan's corpse: this is the way
     We Norsemen our scat duties pay."

Then Earl Einar took possession of the Orkney Isles as before. Now when these tidings came to Norway, Halfdan's brothers took it much to heart, and thought that his death demanded vengeance; and many were of the same opinion. When Einar heard this, he sang:—

     "Many a stout udal-man, I know,
     Has cause to wish my head laid low;
     And many an angry udal knife
     Would gladly drink of Eina's life.
     But ere they lay Earl Einar low,—
     Ere this stout heart betrays its cause,
     Full many a heart will writhe, we know,
     In the wolf's fangs, or eagle's claws."

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg