Heimskringla; Or, The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway


King Olaf left his long-ships there behind, but made ready two ships of burden; and had with him 220 men in them, well-armed, and chosen people. He sailed out to sea northwards in harvest, but encountered a tremendous storm and they were in danger of being lost; but as they had a chosen crew, and the king s luck with them, all went on well. So says Ottar:—

     "Olaf, great stem of kings, is brave—
     Bold in the fight, bold on the wave.
          No thought of fear
          Thy heart comes near.
     Undaunted, 'midst the roaring flood,
     Firm at his post each shipman stood;
          And thy two ships stout
          The gale stood out."

And further he says:—

     "Thou able chief!  with thy fearless crew
     Thou meetest, with skill and courage true,
          The wild sea's wrath
          On thy ocean path.
     Though waves mast-high were breaking round.
     Thou findest the middle of Norway's ground,
          With helm in hand
          On Saela's strand."

It is related here that King Olaf came from the sea to the very middle of Norway; and the isle is called Saela where they landed, and is outside of Stad. King Olaf said he thought it must be a lucky day for them, since they had landed at Saela in Norway; and observed it was a good omen that it so happened. As they were going up in the isle, the king slipped with one foot in a place where there was clay, but supported himself with the other foot. Then said he "The king falls." "Nay," replies Hrane, "thou didst not fall, king, but set fast foot in the soil." The king laughed thereat, and said, "It may be so if God will." They went down again thereafter to their ships, and sailed to Ulfasund, where they heard that Earl Hakon was south in Sogn, and was expected north as soon as wind allowed with a single ship.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg