Heimskringla; Or, The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway


King Olaf passed all the winter with King Ethelred, and had a great battle at Hringmara Heath in Ulfkel's land, the domain which Ulfkel Snilling at that time held; and here again the king was victorious. So says Sigvat the skald:—

     "To Ulfkel's land came Olaf bold,
     A seventh sword-thing he would hold.
     The race of Ella filled the plain—
     Few of them slept at home again!
     Hringmara heath
     Was a bed of death:
     Harfager's heir
     Dealt slaughter there."

And Ottar sings of this battle thus:—

     "From Hringmara field
          The chime of war,
     Sword striking shield,
          Rings from afar.
     The living fly;
     The dead piled high
     The moor enrich;
     Red runs the ditch."

The country far around was then brought in subjection to King Ethelred: but the Thingmen (1) and the Danes held many castles, besides a great part of the country.

   ENDNOTES: (1) Thing-men were hired men-at-arms; called Thing-men
     probably from being men above the class of thralls or unfree men,
     and entitled to appear at Things, as being udal-born to land at

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg