Heimskringla; Or, The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway


King Olaf sailed from thence to Denmark, where he met Thorkel the Tall, brother of Earl Sigvalde, and went into partnership with him; for he was just ready to set out on a cruise. They sailed southwards to the Jutland coast, to a place called Sudervik, where they overcame many viking ships. The vikings, who usually have many people to command, give themselves the title of kings, although they have no lands to rule over. King Olaf went into battle with them, and it was severe; but King Olaf gained the victory, and a great booty. So says Sigvat:—

     "Hark!  hark!  The war-shout
          Through Sudervik rings,
     And the vikings bring out
          To fight the two kings.
     Great honour, I'm told,
     Won these vikings so bold:
     But their bold fight was vain,
     For the two brave kings gain."

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg