Heimskringla; Or, The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway


It is related here that King Olaf, when spring set in, sailed east to Eysyssel, and landed and plundered; the Eysyssel men came down to the strand and grave him battle. King Olaf gained the victory, pursued those who fled, and laid waste the land with fire and sword. It is told that when King Olaf first came to Eysvssel they offered him scat, and when the scat was to be brought down to the strand the king came to meet it with an armed force, and that was not what the bondes there expected; for they had brought no scat, but only their weapons with which they fought against the king, as before related. So says Sigvat the skald:—

     "With much deceit and bustle
     To the heath of Eysyssel
     The bondes brought the king,
     To get scat at their weapon-thing.
     But Olaf was too wise
     To be taken by surprise;
     Their legs scarce bore them off
     O'er the common test enough."

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg