Heimskringla; Or, The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway


The same autumn Olaf had his first battle at Sotasker, which lies in the Swedish skerry circle. He fought there with some vikings, whose leader was Sote. Olaf had much fewer men, but his ships were larger, and he had his ships between some blind rocks, which made it difficult for the vikings to get alongside; and Olaf's men threw grappling irons into the ships which came nearest, drew them up to their own vessels, and cleared them of men. The vikings took to flight after losing many men. Sigvat the skald tells of this fight in the lay in which he reckons up King Olaf's battles:—

     "They launch his ship where waves are foaming—
          To the sea shore
          Both mast and oar,
     And sent his o'er the seas a-roaming.
     Where did the sea-king first draw blood?
          In the battle shock
          At Sote's rock;
     The wolves howl over their fresh food."

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg