Heimskringla; Or, The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway


Earl Eirik, the son of Earl Hakon, and his brothers, with many other valiant men their relations, had left the country after Earl Hakon's fall. Earl Eirik went eastwards to Svithjod, to Olaf, the Swedish king, and he and his people were well received. King Olaf gave the earl peace and freedom in the land, and great fiefs; so that he could support himself and his men well. Thord Kolbeinson speaks of this in the verses before given. Many people who fled from the country on account of King Olaf Trygvason came out of Norway to Earl Eirik; and the earl resolved to fit out ships and go a-cruising, in order to get property for himself and his people. First he steered to Gotland, and lay there long in summer watching for merchant vessels sailing towards the land, or for vikings. Sometimes he landed and ravaged all round upon the sea-coasts. So it is told in the "Banda-drapa":—

     "Eirik, as we have lately heard,
     Has waked the song of shield and sword—
     Has waked the slumbering storm of shields
     Upon the vikings' water-fields:
     From Gotland's lonely shore has gone
     Far up the land, and battles won:
     And o'er the sea his name is spread,
     To friends a shield, to foes a dread."

Afterwards Earl Eirik sailed south to Vindland, and at Stauren found some viking ships, and gave them battle. Eirik gained the victory, and slew the vikings. So it is told in the "Banda-drapa":—

     "Earl Eirik, he who stoutly wields
     The battle-axe in storm of shields,
     With his long ships surprised the foe
     At Stauren, and their strength laid low
     Many a corpse floats round the shore;
     The strand with dead is studded o'er:
     The raven tears their sea-bleached skins—
     The land thrives well when Eirik wins."

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg