Anti-Slavery Poems and Songs of Labor and Reform, Complete


Written on learning the terms of the treaty with Mexico.

     ACROSS the Stony Mountains, o'er the desert's
     drouth and sand,
     The circles of our empire touch the western ocean's
     From slumberous Timpanogos, to Gila, wild and
     Flowing down from Nuevo-Leon to California's sea;
     And from the mountains of the east, to Santa
     Rosa's shore,
     The eagles of Mexitli shall beat the air no more.

     O Vale of Rio Bravo! Let thy simple children
     Close watch about their holy fire let maids of
     Pecos keep;
     Let Taos send her cry across Sierra Madre's pines,
     And Santa Barbara toll her bells amidst her corn
     and vines;
     For lo! the pale land-seekers come, with eager eyes
     of gain,
     Wide scattering, like the bison herds on broad
     Salada's plain.

     Let Sacramento's herdsmen heed what sound the
     winds bring down
     Of footsteps on the crisping snow, from cold
     Nevada's crown!
     Full hot and fast the Saxon rides, with rein of
     travel slack,
     And, bending o'er his saddle, leaves the sunrise at
     his back;
     By many a lonely river, and gorge of fir and
     On many a wintry hill-top, his nightly camp-fires

     O countrymen and brothers! that land of lake and
     Of salt wastes alternating with valleys fat with
     Of mountains white with winter, looking downward,
     cold, serene,
     On their feet with spring-vines tangled and lapped
     in softest green;
     Swift through whose black volcanic gates, o'er
     many a sunny vale,
     Wind-like the Arapahoe sweeps the bison's dusty

     Great spaces yet untravelled, great lakes whose
     mystic shores
     The Saxon rifle never heard, nor dip of Saxon oars;
     Great herds that wander all unwatched, wild steeds
     that none have tamed,
     Strange fish in unknown streams, and birds the
     Saxon never named;
     Deep mines, dark mountain crucibles, where Nature's
     chemic powers
     Work out the Great Designer's will; all these ye
     say are ours!

     Forever ours! for good or ill, on us the burden
     God's balance, watched by angels, is hung across
     the skies.
     Shall Justice, Truth, and Freedom turn the poised
     and trembling scale?
     Or shall the Evil triumph, and robber Wrong prevail?
     Shall the broad land o'er which our flag in starry
     splendor waves,
     Forego through us its freedom, and bear the tread
     of slaves?

     The day is breaking in the East of which the
     prophets told,
     And brightens up the sky of Time the Christian
     Age of Gold;
     Old Might to Right is yielding, battle blade to
     clerkly pen,
     Earth's monarchs are her peoples, and her serfs
     stand up as men;

     The isles rejoice together, in a day are nations
     And the slave walks free in Tunis, and by Stamboul's
     Golden Horn!

     Is this, O countrymen of mine! a day for us to sow
     The soil of new-gained empire with slavery's seeds
     of woe?
     To feed with our fresh life-blood the Old World's
     cast-off crime,
     Dropped, like some monstrous early birth, from
     the tired lap of Time?
     To run anew the evil race the old lost nations ran,
     And die like them of unbelief of God, and wrong
     of man?

     Great Heaven! Is this our mission? End in this
     the prayers and tears,
     The toil, the strife, the watchings of our younger,
     better years?
     Still as the Old World rolls in light, shall ours in
     shadow turn,
     A beamless Chaos, cursed of God, through outer
     darkness borne?
     Where the far nations looked for light, a black-
     ness in the air?
     Where for words of hope they listened, the long
     wail of despair?

     The Crisis presses on us; face to face with us it
     With solemn lips of question, like the Sphinx in
     Egypt's sands!
     This day we fashion Destiny, our web of Fate we
     This day for all hereafter choose we holiness or
     Even now from starry Gerizim, or Ebal's cloudy
     We call the dews of blessing or the bolts of cursing

     By all for which the martyrs bore their agony and
     By all the warning words of truth with which the
     prophets came;
     By the Future which awaits us; by all the hopes
     which cast
     Their faint and trembling beams across the black-
     ness of the Past;
     And by the blessed thought of Him who for Earth's
     freedom died,
     O my people! O my brothers! let us choose the
     righteous side.

     So shall the Northern pioneer go joyful on his
     To wed Penobseot's waters to San Francisco's bay;
     To make the rugged places smooth, and sow the
     vales with grain;
     And bear, with Liberty and Law, the Bible in his
     The mighty West shall bless the East, and sea shall
     answer sea,
     And mountain unto mountain call, Praise God, for
     we are free


All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg