Poems of Nature, Poems Subjective and Reminiscent and Religious Poems, Complete


     To kneel before some saintly shrine,
     To breathe the health of airs divine,
     Or bathe where sacred rivers flow,
     The cowled and turbaned pilgrims go.
     I too, a palmer, take, as they
     With staff and scallop-shell, my way
     To feel, from burdening cares and ills,
     The strong uplifting of the hills.

     The years are many since, at first,
     For dreamed-of wonders all athirst,
     I saw on Winnipesaukee fall
     The shadow of the mountain wall.
     Ah! where are they who sailed with me
     The beautiful island-studded sea?
     And am I he whose keen surprise
     Flashed out from such unclouded eyes?

     Still, when the sun of summer burns,
     My longing for the hills returns;
     And northward, leaving at my back
     The warm vale of the Merrimac,
     I go to meet the winds of morn,
     Blown down the hill-gaps, mountain-born,
     Breathe scent of pines, and satisfy
     The hunger of a lowland eye.

     Again I see the day decline
     Along a ridged horizon line;
     Touching the hill-tops, as a nun
     Her beaded rosary, sinks the sun.
     One lake lies golden, which shall soon
     Be silver in the rising moon;
     And one, the crimson of the skies
     And mountain purple multiplies.

     With the untroubled quiet blends
     The distance-softened voice of friends;
     The girl's light laugh no discord brings
     To the low song the pine-tree sings;
     And, not unwelcome, comes the hail
     Of boyhood from his nearing sail.
     The human presence breaks no spell,
     And sunset still is miracle!

     Calm as the hour, methinks I feel
     A sense of worship o'er me steal;
     Not that of satyr-charming Pan,
     No cult of Nature shaming man,
     Not Beauty's self, but that which lives
     And shines through all the veils it weaves,—
     Soul of the mountain, lake, and wood,
     Their witness to the Eternal Good!

     And if, by fond illusion, here
     The earth to heaven seems drawing near,
     And yon outlying range invites
     To other and serener heights,
     Scarce hid behind its topmost swell,
     The shining Mounts Delectable
     A dream may hint of truth no less
     Than the sharp light of wakefulness.

     As through her vale of incense smoke.
     Of old the spell-rapt priestess spoke,
     More than her heathen oracle,
     May not this trance of sunset tell
     That Nature's forms of loveliness
     Their heavenly archetypes confess,
     Fashioned like Israel's ark alone
     From patterns in the Mount made known?

     A holier beauty overbroods
     These fair and faint similitudes;
     Yet not unblest is he who sees
     Shadows of God's realities,
     And knows beyond this masquerade
     Of shape and color, light and shade,
     And dawn and set, and wax and wane,
     Eternal verities remain.

     O gems of sapphire, granite set!
     O hills that charmed horizons fret
     I know how fair your morns can break,
     In rosy light on isle and lake;
     How over wooded slopes can run
     The noonday play of cloud and sun,
     And evening droop her oriflamme
     Of gold and red in still Asquam.

     The summer moons may round again,
     And careless feet these hills profane;
     These sunsets waste on vacant eyes
     The lavish splendor of the skies;
     Fashion and folly, misplaced here,
     Sigh for their natural atmosphere,
     And travelled pride the outlook scorn
     Of lesser heights than Matterhorn.

     But let me dream that hill and sky
     Of unseen beauty prophesy;
     And in these tinted lakes behold
     The trailing of the raiment fold
     Of that which, still eluding gaze,
     Allures to upward-tending ways,
     Whose footprints make, wherever found,
     Our common earth a holy ground.


All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg