Poems of Nature, Poems Subjective and Reminiscent and Religious Poems, Complete


This name in some parts of Europe is given to the season we call Indian Summer, in honor of the good St. Martin. The title of the poem was suggested by the fact that the day it refers to was the exact date of that set apart to the Saint, the 11th of November.

     Though flowers have perished at the touch
     Of Frost, the early comer,
     I hail the season loved so much,
     The good St. Martin's summer.

     O gracious morn, with rose-red dawn,
     And thin moon curving o'er it!
     The old year's darling, latest born,
     More loved than all before it!

     How flamed the sunrise through the pines!
     How stretched the birchen shadows,
     Braiding in long, wind-wavered lines
     The westward sloping meadows!

     The sweet day, opening as a flower
     Unfolds its petals tender,
     Renews for us at noontide's hour
     The summer's tempered splendor.

     The birds are hushed; alone the wind,
     That through the woodland searches,
     The red-oak's lingering leaves can find,
     And yellow plumes of larches.

     But still the balsam-breathing pine
     Invites no thought of sorrow,
     No hint of loss from air like wine
     The earth's content can borrow.

     The summer and the winter here
     Midway a truce are holding,
     A soft, consenting atmosphere
     Their tents of peace enfolding.

     The silent woods, the lonely hills,
     Rise solemn in their gladness;
     The quiet that the valley fills
     Is scarcely joy or sadness.

     How strange! The autumn yesterday
     In winter's grasp seemed dying;
     On whirling winds from skies of gray
     The early snow was flying.

     And now, while over Nature's mood
     There steals a soft relenting,
     I will not mar the present good,
     Forecasting or lamenting.

     My autumn time and Nature's hold
     A dreamy tryst together,
     And, both grown old, about us fold
     The golden-tissued weather.

     I lean my heart against the day
     To feel its bland caressing;
     I will not let it pass away
     Before it leaves its blessing.

     God's angels come not as of old
     The Syrian shepherds knew them;
     In reddening dawns, in sunset gold,
     And warm noon lights I view them.

     Nor need there is, in times like this
     When heaven to earth draws nearer,
     Of wing or song as witnesses
     To make their presence clearer.

     O stream of life, whose swifter flow
     Is of the end forewarning,
     Methinks thy sundown afterglow
     Seems less of night than morning!

     Old cares grow light; aside I lay
     The doubts and fears that troubled;
     The quiet of the happy day
     Within my soul is doubled.

     That clouds must veil this fair sunshine
     Not less a joy I find it;
     Nor less yon warm horizon line
     That winter lurks behind it.

     The mystery of the untried days
     I close my eyes from reading;
     His will be done whose darkest ways
     To light and life are leading!

     Less drear the winter night shall be,
     If memory cheer and hearten
     Its heavy hours with thoughts of thee,
     Sweet summer of St. Martin!


All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg