Poems of Nature, Poems Subjective and Reminiscent and Religious Poems, Complete


     My thoughts are all in yonder town,
     Where, wept by many tears,
     To-day my mother's friend lays down
     The burden of her years.

     True as in life, no poor disguise
     Of death with her is seen,
     And on her simple casket lies
     No wreath of bloom and green.

     Oh, not for her the florist's art,
     The mocking weeds of woe;
     Dear memories in each mourner's heart
     Like heaven's white lilies blow.

     And all about the softening air
     Of new-born sweetness tells,
     And the ungathered May-flowers wear
     The tints of ocean shells.

     The old, assuring miracle
     Is fresh as heretofore;
     And earth takes up its parable
     Of life from death once more.

     Here organ-swell and church-bell toll
     Methinks but discord were;
     The prayerful silence of the soul
     Is best befitting her.

     No sound should break the quietude
     Alike of earth and sky
     O wandering wind in Seabrook wood,
     Breathe but a half-heard sigh!

     Sing softly, spring-bird, for her sake;
     And thou not distant sea,
     Lapse lightly as if Jesus spake,
     And thou wert Galilee!

     For all her quiet life flowed on
     As meadow streamlets flow,
     Where fresher green reveals alone
     The noiseless ways they go.

     From her loved place of prayer I see
     The plain-robed mourners pass,
     With slow feet treading reverently
     The graveyard's springing grass.

     Make room, O mourning ones, for me,
     Where, like the friends of Paul,
     That you no more her face shall see
     You sorrow most of all.

     Her path shall brighten more and more
     Unto the perfect day;
     She cannot fail of peace who bore
     Such peace with her away.

     O sweet, calm face that seemed to wear
     The look of sins forgiven!
     O voice of prayer that seemed to bear
     Our own needs up to heaven!

     How reverent in our midst she stood,
     Or knelt in grateful praise!
     What grace of Christian womanhood
     Was in her household ways!

     For still her holy living meant
     No duty left undone;
     The heavenly and the human blent
     Their kindred loves in one.

     And if her life small leisure found
     For feasting ear and eye,
     And Pleasure, on her daily round,
     She passed unpausing by,

     Yet with her went a secret sense
     Of all things sweet and fair,
     And Beauty's gracious providence
     Refreshed her unaware.

     She kept her line of rectitude
     With love's unconscious ease;
     Her kindly instincts understood
     All gentle courtesies.

     An inborn charm of graciousness
     Made sweet her smile and tone,
     And glorified her farm-wife dress
     With beauty not its own.

     The dear Lord's best interpreters
     Are humble human souls;
     The Gospel of a life like hers
     Is more than books or scrolls.

     From scheme and creed the light goes out,
     The saintly fact survives;
     The blessed Master none can doubt
     Revealed in holy lives.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg