The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved in 50 Arguments


The following problems, when solved by the reader, will deepen the conviction that evolution is impossible. The erroneous guesses by evolutionists may be checked up and disproved by mathematical problems. No stronger proof could well be devised. For pattern solutions, refer to the preceding text. A reward will be given to the first person who points out a material error. Test, verify or correct the following solutions:—

1. If the first human pair lived 2,000,000 years ago, as the evolutionists claim, and the population has doubled itself in every 1612.51 years (one-tenth the Jewish rate of net increase), what would be the present population of the globe? Ans. 18,932,139,737,991 followed by 360 figures; or 18,932,139,737,991 decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion; or 18,932,139,737,991 vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion.

2. If the first human pair lived 100,000 years ago (a period much less than evolution required), what Would be the present population at the same low rate of increase? Ans. 4,660,210,253,138,204,000; or 2,527,570,733 times as many as are living now.

3. At the above rate of increase, how many human beings would have survived in the 5177 years since Noah? Ans. 9. How many Jews, in the 3850 years since Jacob’s marriage? Ans. 5.

4. If the human race doubled its numbers every 168.3 years since Noah became a father (5177 years) what would be the population of the globe? Ans. 1,804,187,000,—just what it is.

5. If the Jews doubled their numbers every 161.251 years since Jacob’s marriage (3850 years ago), how many Jews would there have been in 1922? Ans. 15,393,815, just the number reported.

6. What guess of man’s age can stand the test of mathematics? Ans. Not a single guess ever made assigning a great age to man,—nothing greater than the age indicated by the Scriptures; 2,000,000, or 1,000,000, or 100,000 years are clearly out of the question.

7. If life began 60,000,000 years ago, and the human race 2,000,000 years ago, how much sub-normal should have been the brain and mind of man at that time? Ans. 1/30 or 3-1/3%; or 96-2/3% normal; or 1450 c.c., counting 1500 c.c. normal,—more nearly normal than many nations now.

8. How much if life began 500,000,000 years ago? Ans. .4%; or 99.6% normal; or 1494 c.c., far more c.c. than a large part of mankind can claim.

9. If man had, in 58,000,000 years, developed only the same skull capacity as the other members of the simian family (not over 600 c.c.), how much must he have gained in 2,000,000 years? Ans. 900 c.c., which is a development 43.5 times as rapid in 2,000,000 years as in the 58,000,000 years preceding. How could that be?

10. If life began 500,000,000 years ago, how would the rapidity of skull and brain development in 2,000,000 years compare with that of the 498,000,000 years preceding? Ans. 373.5 times as great.

11. If the skull of the pithecanthropus was two-thirds normal, or 1000 c.c., how many years ago must it have lived, in case life began 60,000,000 years ago? Ans. 20,000,000; in case life began 500,000,000 years ago? Ans. 166,666,666.

12. If the Piltdown “man” had a normal skull capacity of 1070 c.c., as claimed, how long ago did he live, if life began 60,000,000 years ago? Ans. 17,200,000 years. If 500,000,000 years ago? Ans. 143,333,333 years.

13. If the Neanderthal man had a capacity of 1408 c.c. (assigned by Dr. Osborn), how many years ago must he have lived if 60,000,000 years have passed since life began? Ans. 3,680,000; if 500,000,000 years? Ans. 30,666,666. If 1800 c.c. be taken as normal instead of 1500 c.c. as some insist, these great periods since these “ape-men” existed must be enormously increased, in some cases 50%.

14. If, on the other hand, the pithecanthropus really lived 750,000 years ago, what, with normal development, should have been its skull capacity, if life began 60,000,000 ago? Ans. 98.75%; or 1481 c.c. If life began 500,000,000 years ago? Ans. 99.85%; or 1497.77 c.c. In either case, practically normal.

15. If the Piltdown “man” lived 150,000 years ago, as claimed, what should have been his brain capacity, if life has lasted 60,000,000 years? Ans. 99.75%; or 1496.25 c.c. If 500,000,000 years? Ans. 99.97%; or 1499.55 c.c. Very nearly normal.

The above problems prove either that these alleged links could not have lived in the periods assigned them, or else they must have had a brain capacity almost normal, and far greater than assigned to them.

16. The habitable countries of the world-total 50,670,837 sq. mi. If we estimate that the garden of Eden occupied 10,000 sq. mi. or 6,400,000 acres, there would be 5067 such areas in the world. What chance would Moses have, not knowing, to guess the correct location? Ans. 1 chance out of 5067,—virtually none at all.

17. If Moses, not knowing the order of creation, enumerates 11 great events in their correct scientific order, what chance had he to guess the correct order? Ans. I chance out of 39,916,800. If 15 great events, as some biblical scholars point out? Ans. I chance out of 1,307,674,368,000. (Solve by Permutation.)

18. If there are now 1,500,000 species of animals, coming from a single primordial germ or cell which existed 60,000,000 years ago, how many species of animals should have arisen or matured in the last 6000 years? Ans. 3000; or one every two years. If life has existed 500,000,000 years, 360 new animal species were due in the last 6000 years. Evolutionists declare they do not know that a single new species has arisen in the last 6000 years! Even Darwin said, “Not one change of species into another is on record.”

19. If the skeletons of 200,000 prehistoric horses were found in a single locality, Lyons, France, how many skeletons of prehistoric man should we expect? Ans. Many millions. How many are there? Not a single or undisputed skeleton of an ape-man!

20. If each of the two eyes and ears as well as the nose and the mouth occupy, on an average, one-thousandth part of the surface of the body, what, if we exclude God’s design, is the mathematical probability that they would appear where they are? Ans. .OO1 x .OO1 x .001 x .001 x .001 x .001; =.000,000,000,000,000,001; or 1 chance in a billion billion! (Solved by Compound Probability.)

21. Evolutionists claim at least 8 great transmutations from matter to man: matter, plant-life, invertebrates, vertebrates, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and man. If we make the extremely generous estimate of 60% to represent the probability of each transmutation, what is the compound probability that all would take place? Ans. 1 chance in 60, which means an extreme improbability.

22. If there is 1 chance in 10 that each transmutation has taken place, which is far more than the evidence warrants, what fraction represents the probability that all these great changes have occurred? Ans. .1 raised to the eighth power, or .00000001; or 1 chance in 100,000,000.

23. If the probability of a change of one member of one species into another species be expressed by .1 (an over-estimate), what fraction marks the probability of a million members making the same change? Ans. .1 raised to the millionth power; or 1 preceded by 999,999 decimal ciphers; or a common fraction with 1 as a numerator and a million figures as a denominator; or 1 chance out of a number expressed by 1,000,000 figures, which would fill 3 volumes like this book. Such changes were absolutely impossible, but necessary for evolution.

24. If the scattered remains of the pithecanthropus were found in the sand only 40 ft. below the surface, and the rate of accumulation were no greater than the slow accretions that buried the mountain city of Jerusalem 20 feet deep in 1900 years, what would be the extreme age of these remains? Ans. 3800 years, instead of 750,000 years.

25. If the Heidelberg jaw was found in sand 69 ft. deep, what would be its maximum age, estimated in the same way? Ans. 6555 years instead of 375,000. Who believes that sand in a river valley would accumulate no more rapidly than dust on the mountains? Or that it took 750,000 or even 375,000 years to cover with sand these precious remains such a shallow depth? A few centuries at most would account for such a depth. Can there be any doubt that these were abnormal bones of historic man and brute?

26. Did any other false theory that ever posed as science, have less to support its claims than evolution?

27. Believing that a Christian should give to the Lord all above his necessities, none of the profits on this book will be retained by the publisher, but all will be donated to missions, to be perpetually loaned to churches, and to preach the gospel through the secular newspapers, of the world, and to aid in the free distribution of this book as explained on pages 116 and 117. How many churches will every $1000 together with the compound interest thereon, help to build in 300 years, if the average loan to each church is $1000 for 5 years at 5%? Ans. 8,229,024; and the new principal will then be $2,273,528,000.

28. How could $1000 be given to do more good than for these three purposes?

29. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”

30. What shall it profit a man, if he wins great fame as a scientist, persuades a great multitude to accept evolution, infidelity and atheism, and leads a great company to the lost world, by destroying their faith in God and in Jesus Christ?

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg