The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved in 50 Arguments

42. SIN

Sin is a great fact. It can not be denied. It can not be explained by evolution. It is universal. Every race all nations, with all grades of intellect and culture, civilized or uncivilized, are cursed with sin. All the wrongs, all crimes in the world, all immoralities, are due to sin. Sin causes tremendous destruction of life, property, and character. Why is it universal? When did it originate? Did it originate in all the members of the brute-human race at one time? Did some become sinners, and others remain without sin? Sin must be developed, since brutes have no sin. Why not some of the ape-humans without sin? Does natural selection explain the universal sinfulness of man, on the ground that those who did not have this “improvement” perished? They all died and only sinners were left, hence all survivors are sinners! Sin makes men more fit, and hence sinners only survive! Is evolution simply ridiculous, or a crime?

When in the “ascent of man” did he become a sinner? A million years ago? Judging from the pictures of fierce alleged ape-men, it must have been a long, long time ago. Did all become sinners then? What became of the progeny of those who had not secured the attainment of sin? Why have not other members of the monkey family become sinners? Why do we not hang them for murder? Will they yet attain unto sinfulness?

H. G. Wells, the alleged historian, says, p. 954, Outline of Hist., “If all the animals and man had been evolved in this ascendant manner, then there had been no first parents, no Eden and no Fall. And, if there had been no Fall, then the entire historical fabric of Christianity, the story of the first sin, and the reason for an atonement upon which the current teaching based Christian emotion and morality, collapses like a house of cards.”

Evolution claims that man fell up and not down. It denies almost every truth of religion and the Bible, as well as of experience. “Man is falling upward, he is his own Savior, he is ever progressing, and has no need of a Savior.” Contrast this with the sublime statements of the word of God concerning the creation and the fall of man.

Evolution is charged with explaining all phenomena pertaining to man,—soul and body. It exhausts itself in trying to show that the body of man may possibly be developed from the brute. It fails miserably. The problem of accounting for the soul of man with all its equipment is so much more difficult, that little or no effort is made to account for it, virtually confessing that the much-exploited theory of evolution can not possibly be true, when applied to the soul as well as the body.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg