The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved in 50 Arguments


The claim that the pithecanthropus, the Heidelberg man, the Piltdown man, and the Neanderthal man, were the ancestors of man, collapses under the admissions of evolutionists themselves. The eminent Wassman says: “There are numerous fossils of apes, the remains of which are buried in the various strata from the lower Eocene to the close of the alluvial epoch, but not one connecting link has been found between their hypothetical ancestral forms and man at the present time. The whole hypothetical pedigree of man is not supported by a single fossil genus or a single fossil species” (all italics ours). Darwin says: “When we descend to details, we can prove that not one species has changed.” How, then, can man be descended from the brute?

Even H. G. Wells, who seems ready to endorse the most extravagant views, says (Outline of History, p. 69), “We can not say that it (the pithecanthropus) is a direct human ancestor.” On p. 116, is a “Diagram of the Relationship of Human Races,” showing that neither the pithecanthropus, the Heidelberg man, the Piltdown man, nor the Neanderthal man, could have been an ancestor of the human race, because each were the last of their species, and therefore had no descendants.

Dr. Keith, a London evolutionist, says that the Piltdown man is not an ancestor of man, much less an intermediate between the Heidelberg man and the Neanderthal man. Sir Ray Lancaster confesses he is “baffled and stumped” as to the Piltdown man. Dr. Keith says the “Neanderthal man was not quite of our species.”

Dr. Osborn says that the Heidelberg man “shows no trace of being intermediate between man and the anthropoid ape.” Again, speaking of the teeth of the St. Brelade man, Dr. Osborn says, “This special feature alone would exclude the Neanderthals from the ancestry of the higher races.”

Prof. R. S. Lull says, “Certain authorities have tried to prove that the pithecanthropus is nothing but a large gibbon, but the weight of authority considers it prehuman, though not in the line of direct development in humanity.”

Prof. Cope, a distinguished anatomist, says, “The femur [of the pithecanthropus] is that of a man, it is in no sense a connecting link.”

In his “Men of the Old Stone Age,” Dr. Osborn puts the pithecanthropus, the Heidelberg man, the Piltdown man, and the Neanderthal man, on limbs which terminate abruptly as extinct races. They can, in no sense, then, be the ancestors of man, or connecting links. Why, then, do they cling so desperately to these alleged proofs, when they admit they have no evidential value? Only sheer desperation, just as a drowning man will clutch a straw.

Dr. W. E. Orchard says: “The remains bearing on this issue, which have been found are very few, and their significance is hotly disputed by scientists themselves,—both their age, and whether they are human or animal, or mere abnormalities.”

Since these four creatures (of the evolutionists) can not be the ancestors of the human race, where are their descendants? Evolutionists are obliged to say they were the last of their kind. Strange! But there is no other way of escape.

Prof. Bronco, of the Geological and Palaeontological Institute of Berlin University, says, “Man appeared suddenly in the Quaternary period. Palaeontology tells us nothing on the subject,—it knows nothing of the ancestors of man.”

As fossils must be imbedded in rock, there is not a single fossil of an ape-man in the world.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg