The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved in 50 Arguments


Even new sciences, founded by evolutionists, bear witness against their theory. Mendel’s Inheritance Law is one, as we have seen; Biometry is another. It was proposed and advocated by Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin. He expected it to be a great prop to evolution; on the other hand, it is another proof of the unity of our race in Noah’s day, and hence fatal to their theory. Biometry is defined to be the “statistical study of variation and heredity.” It bears heavily against the great age of man.

One of the leading exponents of Biometry, Dr. C.B. Davenport, Secretary of the Eugenics section of the American Breeders’ Association concludes that “No people of English descent are more distantly related than thirtieth cousin, while most people are more nearly related than that.” Professor Conklin, of Princeton University, approves this conclusion, and adds, “As a matter of fact most persons of the same race are much more closely related than this, and certainly we need not go back to Adam nor even to Shem, Ham or Japheth to find our common ancestor.” Dr. Davenport, therefore, says that the English may find a common ancestor thirty-two generations ago; Professor Conklin admits that we need not go further back than Noah to find a common ancestor of all mankind. Noah, therefore, must have been the head of the race. Evolutionists admit we need go no farther back than Noah to find the head of the race, and the population, as we have seen, proves the same thing, and disproves every guess they have made of the great age of man. We have descended from Noah and not from the brute.

This same Professor Conklin says that our race began 2,000,000 years ago (60,000 generations). How is it possible that we must go back sixty thousand generations for a common ancestor, when thirty-two generations will suffice for the English, and about 200 generations since Noah, for the whole race? If we, by the laws of biometry, can find a common ancestor in Noah, we can not possibly go back 2,000,000 years to find one. Professor Conklin’s admission refutes his claim of 2,000,000 years for man. Biometry proves that age absolutely impossible.

If the progeny of this ape-like ancestor inter-bred for many generations,—as certainly would have been the case—then we are not only descended from all the monkey family, the baboon, gorilla, ape, chimpanzee, orang-utang lemur (H. G. Wells’ ancestor), mongoose, etc., but are also related to all their progeny. Glorious ancestors! In our veins runs the blood of them all, as well as the blood of the most disgusting reptiles. And yet Professor H. H. Newman, an eminent evolutionist, in a letter to the writer, says, “The evolution idea is an ennobling one.”! But biometry saves us from such repulsive forbears, by proving it could not be so.

Biometrists find that there is a Law of Filial Regression, or a tendency to the normal in every species, checking the accumulation of departures from the average, and forbidding the formation of new species by inheritance of peculiarities. The whole tendency of the laws of nature is against the formation of new species, so essential to evolution. The species brings forth still “after its kind.” “On the average, extreme peculiarities of parents are less extreme in children.” “The stature of adult offspring must, on the whole, be more mediocre than the stature of the parents.” Gifted parents rarely have children as highly gifted as themselves.

The tendency is to revert to the normal in body and mind. Nature discourages the formation of new species, evolutionists to the contrary notwithstanding. “Like produces like” is a universal and unchangeable law. God has forbidden species to pass their boundaries; and, if any individual seems to threaten to do so, by possessing abnormal peculiarities, these are soon corrected, often in the next generation. Even Professor H. H. Newman says, “On the whole, the contributions of biometry to our understanding of the causes of evolution are rather disappointing.” A science that upsets evolution is certainly disappointing to evolutionists.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg