Mary Stuart: A Tragedy


      Enter BURLEIGH and DAVISON, with a paper.

   Well, Davison?

   DAVISON (approaches earnestly).
           Your orders are obeyed,
   My queen——

         What orders, sir?

      [As she is about to take the paper, she shudders, and starts back.

                   Oh, God!

   Thy people's voice; it is the voice of God.

   ELIZABETH (irresolute, as if in contest with herself)
   Oh, my good lord, who will assure me now
   That what I hear is my whole people's voice,
   The voice of all the world! Ah! much I fear,
   That, if I now should listen to the wish
   Of the wild multitude, a different voice
   Might soon be heard;—and that the very men,
   Who now by force oblige me to this step,
   May, when 'tis taken, heavily condemn me!

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg